
What's the cause of constant anger?

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What could the cause of this be? I am always internally raging with anger about things and people. Nothing terrible has ever happened to me and I recognise I may be paranoid a lot of the time. Outwardly I demonstate a normal level of anger i.e. don't usually get annoyed over stuff but am able to deal with confrontation normally when I have to. I have a demanding job but socially I have become very withdrawn and find social situations harder to handle.




  1. I would suggest depression.  I used to be angry all the time, throwing things, yelling at people, getting contrary for no apparent reason.  I'd get so mad at times that I'd get dizzy and black out.  But since I've been treated for depression, both with medication and seeing a psychologist, I find that I never get angry.  Yes, I have down days, that's normal, but I never get angry anymore.

  2. You sound just like me in that aspect - chances are you may be suffering from depression - and the more you become withdrawn from society the worse it becomes. If this is a constant thing then i honestly would recommend seeing a doctor who could assist you in finding a psychiatrist etc. Luckily mine isn't constant so i did not need to - just higher levels of stress. But at the time i felt it was constant and for a long period of time. Try this website to detect some signs of depression.-

    It's always best to go to a doctor though and ask a professional - they see it everyday. Good luck :)

  3. you need more sleep  

  4. the cause is an unresolved issue.

    Its a myth that something really bad has to happen to you to make you feel so different from the way you think others feel. its a myth because nothing bad has to happen, its the way you process whats happen to you in your life that matters.

    For example, my parents got divorced when I was 11. Prior to that they would battle but they stayed together "for the kids" this was really what affected my life and the way I process things that happen to me today. I was relieved when they got divorced, as the fighting stopped, you'd think my mind would have resolved things by then, but nope, it still sends me into a mild panic when I hear raised voices- even if its a man shouting after his dog, I don't find relationships easy and have very few friends -I make friends easily, but don't keep them. All this really is rooted in my upbringing.

    My upbringing wasn't really so bad, I wasn't abused or anything like that, I just found it difficult. Though to anyone on the outside looking it, it was an easy life.

    Its not what happened in your life, its how it happened in your mind. If your not able to locate what was so hard and what stifled your emotions, then maybe get some help from a therapist or counsellor before the anger wreaks your life.

  5. That's exactly the same as me.  My dad is a DR a he says a poor diet, not enough sleep and stress could be the cause.

  6. Anger is usually a result of fear.  constant anger would be a result of great fear.

  7. You could be hypomanic which is part of bipolar disorder. This is a problem I have to deal with a lot. Only a doctor can tell you for sure so you might want to talk this over with a professional.

  8.   Constant anger is probably caused by keeping things locked up inside your head. im not sure what your paranoid about but keeping what your paranoid about to yourself is not going to help you. My partner has this problem and he always ends up being angry with me yet i haven't done anything.

      We figured it's because hes not the type of person to breakdown and cry if hes upset.. if he's upset or annoyed he keeps it to himself and bottles it all up so i never know whats bothering him... or what the real cause of an argument is.

       Keeping things like this in doesnt necessarily have to be something overly bad in your life, it can be anything little that bothers you, whether its something that your friends done that you dont agree with or just something at your work that could have affected you without you knowing.

  9. Genetics,depression and even the birthing process psychiatrists say. The best thing to do would be to join an nager management group where you will be able to interact with others with similar problems. Try speaking to your doctor who could give you a 3 month course of anti depressants.You need to lighten up because anger causes illness.

  10. Maybe stress, a lot of people feel rage and anger over things, it doesnt mean your'e paranoid, but everyone gets angry,(and i dont just mean general anger) don't worry about that, believe me. You could be depressed or anxious but on the other hand its what everyone does lol, they get angry about stuff, with regard to the social situations, a demanding job doesn't help, go to the doctors, or try meditation etc sorry if I havent been much help, x

  11. I think it could also be related to high testosterone levels.

    And it could be psychologically based - were you listened to as a child - do you feel empowered to affect the world around you?

    You could try taking up a sport as it is an outlet for the energy and it should make a difference to how you feel.

  12. dont eat much sugar

    drink lots of water and love yourself ,practice yoga

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