
What's the chance of taking on a professional fighter?

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One of my girlfriend's ex is a professional fighter. Since he owe my girlfriend a lot of moneys, I and a couple of my friends have been trying to get the moneys from him.

He never listen to any of us so we decide to try intimidate him. we got together and go up to him, two of my friends had a bat at the time to intimidate him. But things goes bad so we all end up jumped him until he cannot fight any more.

A couple hours later he jumped one of my friend. My friend cannot walk because his leg is hurting, pissing blood, and cannot see out of one eye. He's scare to go to hospital because he didnt had insurance and we jumped this guy before he got jumped.

Then this guy texted my girlfriend today and tell her to tell me that I better turn myself and my friends in or he'll come after each one of us.

I'm thinking about taking on this guy so he'll stop being so stubborn and think twice before he threaten us.

This guy is about 160 lbs and just under 5'10 and most likely hurting badly. I'm 6'4 and 240 lbs. I have never trained but I use to play football in high school. My friend that got jumped was just a bit smaller than me though.

What is the chance of me taking on him?




  1. Well, to me he doesn't really sound like too bad of a guy. I mean if he wants you to turn yourselves in then he uses the law as your girlfriend should have. I make it a point to stay out of the affairs of previous relationships. Let her go to small claims court for her money back and let the law handle it. Jumping the guy was not only a bad move but it is Assault. Using a baseball bat is assault with a weapon. I admire the guy for just beating your friend. Your friend is lucky that he didn't own or use a gun on him like a lot of guys now a days would do. Turn yourself in man. Maybe he'll drop the charges if your girlfriend forgives the loan.  

  2. Approximately zero.

  3. I think your dumd for taking on a pro fighter, why because hes probably got fighter friends, I wouldnt be surprised if you and all your friends get your asses kicked by a gang of cage fighters, I think you shouldnt **** with this guy and just forget about the debt he had with your girl.

  4. Slim to none.

  5. There is a difference between being a big guy and being a professional fighter.  It took 3 of you to beat him up and a few hours later he has recovered enough to beat your friends *** pretty bad.  

    He would beat your *** too.  Since you started it by threatening him with a bat and then having the 3 of you beat him up 1st cops wont be on your side either.

  6. well good luck with what ever you do. odds are you are going to get wrecked. I actually think this question is fake to prove a point. none the less if it is real you are either going to get the holy living c**p kicked out of you or go to jail. who knows maybe both. this is a fight you can not win. either he can take you by himself or he can have other pro fighters help him if he loses again. if you go to jail you will probably get beat up in there too. on second thought I think you should just take your beating and call it a lesson learned

  7. firstly if you beat him up wiht a group then afterwards he could still fight its probs not a good idea to fight him you really should turn yourselves in...

    and you girl friend should ahve just asked him for the money if there is any evidence that he borrowed money from her or if he didnt pay rent or somethign what ever it is try going to court to get it back.

  8. You'll probably get your *** kicked because you can't even type let alone fight. If he owes her money then she can take him to court. Although now that he can say he was assaulted by you and your friends she will probably lose the case and you and your friends will be prosecuted.

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