
What's the cheapest place to buy granulated chlorine?

by  |  earlier

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I actually have two questions. Where is the cheapest place to buy granulated chlorine? I noticed Sam's Club sells it. Or should I stick to pool supply stores, like Lesley Pools? Also is there a difference in brands of pool shock or chlorine, or is it all pretty much equal?




  1. It's 'hypochlorite'.

    The label must give you the strength,

    (percentage of active ingredient).

  2. You can compare to the prices on Ebay but it may be cheaper locally because of shipping.

  3. Wal Mart has the best deals because they buy it bulk.

  4. All chlorine is not created equal!  Different compounds, calcium hypochlorite (bagged shock, tablets, sticks), sodium hypochlorite (liquid chlorine, 10-12.5%), trichlor (1-3" tablets and bagged shock) are some of the main types.  Dichlor is another granulated type.  All have different pH, strengths and properties, which over time will raise or lower the pool pH.

    Be a lable reader.  Be aware that some chlorines have algeacide in them and can be a bad idea since you would be accumlating copper over time.  Calhypo is not compatable with trichlor since fire and explosive results can happen.

    Cal hypo is a favorite of many pool owners but contributes to raising calcium hardness levels and the resulting scaling and precipitation caused with an oversaturated pool.

    Shock vs chlorination/superchlorination.  Depends on how much you use.  Normal chlorine levels 1 to 3ppm with 5 max.  Superchlorination/shock raises cl levels to 10x free chlorination levels for best results apply chlorine when sun off the pool leave pump on for several hours to mix well then test next day and swim when at safe levels.

    Chlorine is chlorine, or is it really?  Check ebay!

    You're welcome!!

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