
What's the cheapest way to go from Guatemala City to Caracas Venezuela? How long is the bus ride and price?

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Hi i live in Mexico City and i am planning a trip to central america, i think i will start by going directly to venezuela, then come back slowly..what's the price of that bus ride? thanks




  1. There is no road between Panama City and Venezuela- its basically wilderness.  You can, however, fly, or I think take a ferry.

    As for getting from Mexico City to Panama City- The most convenient way to do this is to take a Mexican line to Tapachula and then take Tica bus, which runs between all the different Central American capitals. For prices and schedules, see

    It would be significantly cheaper and more interesting, although less comfortable, to take the local buses, which are significantly cheaper than Mexican buses but also inferior in quality.

    There will be the dirt-cheap "chicken buses", which cost $0.50-1.00 per hour of travel, and are like US school buses.  There will also be pullman or express buses which have reclining, assigned seats and don't cost immensely more but are still usually inferior to Mexican first class.  If you're lucky you'll get a 40-year old ex-Trailways bus and appreciate the leg room so long as there are no springs poking through.

    Costa Rican buses on major routes are like Mexican first class but without AC and no guarantee of a seat although you  usually get one.  They're about $1-1.50 per hour of travel.

    Anyway, it'll be a long and inconvenient trip, with lots of annoying border crossings. The only reason I'd do it rather than flying from Mexico City is if you want to see and do things in the countries you pass through.  In that case, it will be a very interesting, fun, adventurous trip!

      If you do go and take local buses, take the inland, highland route rather than the coastal route, the scenery is much better, the climate is cooler, and the border crossings are much less busy and less stressful.  There's also more interesting stuff to see without going much out of your way.

  2. You cannot traverse the Darien Gap between Panama and Turbo, Colombia, without hiring a San Blas Indian to guide you. Very arduous, uncomfortable journey. Its much easier and cheaper to get a boat.

  3. You can't take bus from Guatemala to Venezuela.

    You can take a bus from Guatemala to Panama then you must fly or go by boat to Colombia.From Colombia you can continue your trip by bus to Venezuela.Just like Mexico the cost of a bus in Central and South America is dertimined by the class of service.

    Tica bus leaves from Tapachula,Chiapas and goes to all the way to Panama.It is the easiest but is also the most expensive option.

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