
What's the cheapest way to sharpen my chisels?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a beginner at wood carving, and I want to know about sharpening. I have a small set of chisels, gouges, and the v tool. They came ground, but need to be honed. A few people have told me some sort of leather buffing wheel is a good way to go. Would some 4000 and 8000 grit Japanese water stones be sufficient for having very sharp chisels. I'm trying to stay somewhat cheap and simple. Thanks.




  1. Honing stones are good.  Japanese or Hard Arkansas

    Take a look at some of the man made flat stones if you want to be frugal.

    I have finished honing with some jewelers rouge on a piece of leather I laid flat on a table.  It is slower than a wheel so I did less damage to my chisels.  I also had a piece of leather with the jewelers rouge I used for the inside of gouges

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