
What's the cost of living in Germany, I am thinking of moving here?

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What's the cost of living in Germany, I am thinking of moving here?




  1. being german and having lived in many different cities I think I can fairly say that it really depends on (a) where you plan to live and (b) where you're coming from.

    The big cities in Germany (Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Frankfurt, NOT Berlin!) are very expensive, especially the rent. You will find it hard to find a decent place for less than 13$ per squaremeter (little more than 10 squarefeet) including utilities. Groceries are fairly cheap, not only compared to the US, but also the rest of Europe. Eating out, drinks etc. also really depends on where you are.

    All in all I would guess that if you come from a bigger city in the US and you move to a bigger city in Germany the overall cost of living will be about the same (used to be lower, but that was before the decline of the $).

    To give more details I would need more details from you (see beginning of my post) ;-)

  2. better than the US thats for sure

  3. Ve Vill need first need a picture ID and your PAPERS pleese.

    zhan I will tell U. Ve have strict rrrrules about genders and ze look of our applicantz.

    Gee it's you, Billy just come on over  and make a living as an American stand up act.

  4. Germany's not too bad - pretty much the same as the rest of Europe cost wise - bar the booze - that's cheap as h**l. You can get a crate of 20 beers for 5 Euros where I live (Black Forest)! Food is also fairly cheap and eating out is much cheaper than my home country (Ireland). Accomodation usually starts at 300Euros per month. Petrol is fairly expensive.

  5. ^



    seriously talks like that.

    Hey, we can both move in with Tyler!  Yayyyyyyy!!!!!

  6. Very expensive unless, you will be working for euros instead of dollars. the dollar is very weak now. I lived in Germany its nice.

  7. no clue

    my niece lived there for awhile

    learned German , etc.

    she said a person might get a flat for $300 or so I think

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