
What's the cost of living in Italy?

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Is it lower than America? I'd like to live there, and be very unproductive, like the rest of the country.




  1. the income per capita in italy is 26,400 euro a year (about 31,000 usd) hard to earn it without working

    go for ecuador!

  2. so you want to be a lazy person huh? that's not good

  3. LOL. Are you crazy? Cost of Living in Italy is very bloody expensive. Think about the taxes, living costs, transit services, etc.

    In my opinion, living in North/Central/South America is way cheaper and the costs are much lower.

    Think about the currency exchange.

  4. I live in Italy(Rome),FORGET IT!!!! We don't need anymore rude(for your comment about being unproductive),  lazy people selling flowers.We have enough thank you.

  5. where do you live? if you wanna live in an unproductive way stay away from Italy, you must work hard pay rent !!! (deb room and bathroom from 400€ per month...workers earns about 900/1200€ per months)...but if you feel bad hospitals don't let  you die on the street,don't need an insurance...

    than, it depends, i live in Italy but I've been to NYC 2 years ago... Northeast Italy is more expensive, also big cities... food priced are similar, dresses in Italy are much expensive...

  6. Italy is huge, and the cost of living varies accross the regions.

    Yes, Italy is using Euro's.

    Italians work very hard, but also find time to enjoy life ... day states at 7:00 AM work till 1:00 PM ... then lunch from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM ... then work from 3:00 PM until 7:00 or 8:00 PM.  Government takes over 1/2 of earning to pay for social services.

    Venice is extreemly expensive ... you can probably rent a room (10' x 10') for about $1000.00 USD (850,00 Euro's).  You would be sharing the apartment with up to 4 other people, and the living room would be converted into a bedroom for another person to pay rent.

    Rome is even more expensive ... you could try living in the country side like Umbria (similar to Tuscany), and work in the vineyards (Tuscany is very expensive too).

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