
What's the craziest thing your parents ever did for you?

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My parents spoil me rotten. My dad just came home and I'm not even joking, he bought all "teen" magazines.(Ex. Cosmogirl, GL, Seventeen... ALL of them) the whole SHELF. What's the craziest thing your parents ever did for you?

PS. i'm going on vaca... that's why he bought the whole shelf.




  1. hmm my parents have always gotten me stuff =but its always been for my birthday or christmas.. But my mom is the best she is super awesome best mom on the planet I love her so much. She cleans the house, cooks the food, goes and works at the other house we are trying to sell, chauffers us around, watches my baby cousin for free and on top of all that she works a full time job!!!!!   I dont need anything cause i have my mom. ILY mom

  2. the 3rd time my parents and i went to california to visit family my mom gave me $100 spending money to spend on whatever i want and she also bought alot of new clothes for me when we went shopping with my aunt. before we left my mom bought me a nintendo ds lite[the white one] cause i brought my grades up to A's,B's,and C's and she also paid $300 to get extentions[braids] in my hair.

    for my 19th  b-day my parents got me a brand new playstation 2 cause the used one they got me was a piece of sh*t. lol. my mom said that when they get the money they're going to get me a laptop for school cause i want to take college online. im 21 now and i still get spoiled, lol!

  3. um...

    on the spot buying me a 575 dollar carbon fiber stick with xebony and horsehair.....

    another violin bow...

    or driving me 8 hours to go to disneyworld to play violin for 20 minutes.

    i'm kinda spoiled, but not in the way most people think of.

    I'm a violinist/violist/cellist.   i'm really a violinist that plays viola and cello at this point.  but violin is a really expensive hobby.  i have about 6,000 dollars worth of carved wood and carbon fiber ( my violin and bows.)

  4. Wow, your dad's so nice lol=)  My mom took me to a huge mall, and she bought me some really nice clothes from my favorite store (Aritzia) and my dad bought me the Sims 2=)  They do so much for me, I could write a book about how nice they are and what they do for me lol.  Hope you have fun on your vacation!

  5. My parents don't spoil me... but i have it really good, like borderline spoiling!

    The craziest thing would have to be buying me my laptop because i got straight A's the whole year, or just randomly going out and buying me a new bedroom furniture set!

  6. That's the kind of thing my daddy would do for me.  Thank you and good day.

  7. Heya

    Well i remember when i was 16 my mum bought me all my beer for me , let me sleep at my boyfriends house and let me go out with my boyfriend dispite the fact she is aware of him smoking weed.My mum also got me on the pill and was just generally really nice with me. All my friends were so jelous and thought my mum was just the coolest.

    I love her. =] x*x

  8. dumb thing but i forgive something to do with my nationality

  9. My mom knew I loved horses... So she and my grandpa bought me 2 new horses!! real live couple thousand dollar horses

  10. I went to Kensington Market yesterday with my dad

    Every single thing that I tried on and looked good, he bought me

    Thats 4 new hats, 6 new bags, and 17 new tops

    And TODAY were going to the Eatons Center...

    This should be fun =]

  11. Help me buy my first house, which was really nice and special!

  12. Gave me £100 because I passed an exam that I were doing pretty bad in subject on

  13. My father decided to NOT beat me since it was my birthday.  But I only got that present once.

  14. My dad does the exact same stuff for me. He bought me a new phone the other day. and yesterday he bought me a blue tooth to go with it for no reason. I lost my ipod 2 days ago, he's going to buy me another one today

  15. um.........nothing much really. for grad they bought me a camcorder.........which I've been wanting for like 5 years, so I guess that.

  16. My parents never really spoiled me, but when I was 13 I remember I wanted to go to a concert so badly and I never thought I would go.  My dad bought tickets and we got to sit in the 3rd row.  It was the best time I ever had at a concert and I'll always remember it.  I hope I can get to do something special like that for my kids one day.

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