
What's the craziest / weirdest thing you've ever done on a dare?

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What's the craziest / weirdest thing you've ever done on a dare?




  1. 3 meter belly flop

  2. I walked into a polish shop dressed as super girl and shouted out.....

    "i heard that you've been robbed"

    The whole shop turned around opened mouthed!!!

    Still, it was a good laugh

  3. Tell my teacher I thought he was s**y, he just laughed.

  4. datin 31 yrs old while im just 17 and he think im 19

  5. eaten a spoon of instant coffee granules god i saw coffee in a new light  

  6. my friends are c**p with dares, erm drank vinegar..

  7. wear geeky glasses and a geeky outift around school for a day..and to talk like a nerd lol :D

  8. Every month buy new Cell phones !!!

  9. one time in dare i had to let a dog hump my legg with penutbutter  

  10. Swoallow  a  live  house fly!!

  11. jumped into a lake in December

  12. ... streaked down the road... it was night time though. So i don't know if any of the neightbours saw

    i've also drunk a shot of soy sauce, god it was vile

  13. Licked a s**y girls butt...  

  14. Kiss a stranger

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