
What's the cruelest thing you've ever said to anyone ?

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Would you take it back if you could ?




  1. Can't remember ever saying anything cruel Kirst - I'm too nice!

  2. It's been a long time and I don't exactly know what I said or how I said it. A girl had some business with someone in an all-boy outside smoking group back in High School and once she finished making her last statement I said something terrible that indirectly, told her she was ugly. I saw her reaction afterwards. She just took it painfully and left.

  3. i  going to  tell  one  of  your  dads ( to  a kid who  mum  has  lots  of men  in  her life )

  4. I told my wife I didn't love her two weeks ago and then I left. It was a heartbreaking thing to have to say, but I wouldn't take it back, because it's the truth.

  5. I told my ex that better men than him had died in one of the 7/7 bombs that went off, he was on one of the tube trains, and whilst we were all sympathetic to him, he really over did the whole "poor me" angle, despite being offered loads of therapy, it seemed he would put on this traumatised persona anywhere there was a camera or reporter or someone from work called, the rest of the time he was fine and wanted to go out and about to pubs and restaurants as normal.  One day I just lost it at him and told him that better men than him had died on that tube train (the Aldgate one) and that their families were holding up with dignity and discretion.  

    Do I regret saying it?  Not at all, and I am not an unkind person, I am a Christian and believe we should all treat people with love, but I had to, absolutely had to tell him this, it was probably the nastiest thing I have said to someone, but it was also the truth.

  6. i hate you your such a fat@ss\\h**l no i wouldnt take it back

  7. A guy asked me for change, I gave him a dollar and I said "Don't let it go to waste." I would take it back but, he asked me right after I was leaving my bank, how f*d is that.

  8. u're the worst person i've ever met in my life... i wish i never had to meet u...

  9. "No" - well according to my boys I was being "cruel" to them every time that I said it,Kirst !but I was being "cruel" to be kind and today they realise that! - and no : I'd do the same with them if I had my time over again.

  10. "You are not my real father, so back off"

    To my Step dad, when I was about 14,

    who had brought me up from the age of 7, after my real dad died when I was 3!

    I have taken it back........apologised shorty after!

  11. i  can  think of  many  nasty things  i said to   my ex  ,  but  he   said  worse   to me   ,you can't help it  sometimes  in  the heat  of  an  arguement    would  i  take  the words  back probs  not   kirst   me   being  honest  and  all lol

  12. "go to bed"  i say it every night to my six year old son and every time he acts like it's the worst thing i've ever done.  no wouldn't take it back, i'll say it again tonite

  13. -go play in traffic

    -go suck a d**k choke and die

    -i'd like to stick hot needles in you intill you go insane

  14. One time I was smoking a cigarette at the gas station, and some dude made a smart a$$ remark about it. First I ignored him, then he laid some guilt trip on me about his kids being in the car. I really didn't mean to say it but I instantly snapped back with: "Man fu@k your kids!"

      I guess it was pretty harsh, but if he hadn't acted like a d**k in the first place I would not have been a d**k back. So, I guess no, I would not take it back.

  15. "i feel so sorry for your parents! they should have raised cucumbers!"


    "stupidville: population? you!"

    i wouldn't take it back if i still have the same angry feelings now when i said it then.

  16. My Family think I'm being cruel every night when I utter the words "Tea's Ready" kirst !!!

  17. I told my boyfriend that I wished I had lost my virginity to this other guy that he knows. I felt horrible.

  18. Sone guy was being a real moron to me, so i said, "People tell me that you are the smartest person they know, so they must be idiots, and if you play stupid long enough, you ARE stupid."

    I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it

  19. Telling someone to 'smile . it'll never happen' and they look at me and tell me that 'it just has' because their husband had just died

  20. I think I say to my ex boyfriend that his "thing" is too small..

    but reality is that I did not really care. It is okay but I really don't care about that...I was just joking.

    then I think he took seriously and feel bad about it for years...he wont' believe me I did not mean it.

    anyway, I felt bad becaue he is the nicest guy in the world. He is also handsome too, kind and somehow very much deeply was in love with me..and still very kind to me as friend now and still love me in some degree as good friend, I think.

    so I wish I could of able to take back because I did not know my joking can do that much damage..

  21. I usually stick to what ever I'm arguing about and wouldn't say cruel things out of context.

    So...whatever I say...I don't take back.

  22. I told my xboyfriend I understood why his wife left him while we were out to dinner, he was being a complete jerk to me and I kept telling him to stop, so I made him shut up with that comment. And no, I still dont take it back.

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