
What's the deal with Yahoo! 360? Is it broken?

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Is anyone else having a problem with 360?

It won't display my avatars or nicknames on my Y!A accounts anymore, and when I try to create a new account and start another 360, the new Y!A account refuses to acknowledge that the 360 exists, and I can't put up an avatar. I also can't go directly from my Y!A account to my 360 anymore. The link takes me to the 360 home page.

Is this problem just on my end, or is this a glitch in Yahoo! that other people are experiencing? Can anything be done about this?




  1. I'm having the exact same problem as you. Yahoo 360 will not show my picture as avatar. It just shows a white screen and a red x. I think it is broken or something this sucks. =/

  2. I gave up on my 360 account ages ago. Just between you and me (and anyone else who happens to be reading this as it's on a public forum), the entire yahoo team are a bunch of ... ... ... ... STANDBY FOR ASSIMILATION ... ... ... ... YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIMILATED, HAVE A NICE DAY ... ... ... ... What was I saying? Oh yeah, I LOVE Yahoo...

  3. I have the same exact problem I have been trying to get another picture for days I got a picture yesterday selected itas primary and yet to see it all I have is a white box the says my Yahoo name so I have the same problem

  4. It is all screwed up.  It won't let me add pics.  I cannot put up an avatar, either, and I have a cool one of Alicia Silverstone as batwoman.


  5. Yahoo really bugs!!

  6. My answer would be a solid YES, it is broken.  Yahoo! seems to have given up on correcting glitches, pending the new thing that they are working on for us in 2009.  I can click on my page, and find myself at a blog I posted a month ago;  and leaving comments on blogs seems to be consistently met with 'this page no longer exists'. It's ridiculously frustrating, and if someone has an answer to 'can anything be done about this?', I hope you will share it with the Community.  Best of luck!

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