
What's the deal with Yahoo's features articles?

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They are all totally biased saying Palin is inexperienced etc.. when if you actually research it, she is more experienced than even Obama. What is with the bias?




  1. The media is biased. It's been like that for ages.

  2. The media is totally infatuated with Obama,he cannot say or do anything wrong.On the other hand,McCain is the antiobama and has to be defeated.The media will help Obama in his defeat,they are actually hurting him with their one sided coverage.

    Sarah Palin is a good choice as VP,she is smart and respected by many of her constituents

  3. it is called liberal bias.  this blatant attack on her is what they tried to do to Hillary but people are getting tired of it and it will backfire on them.

    Palin, as governor, she makes more decisions in a week than Biden or Obama in a week.

    if you recall, Obama served 143 work days and the remainder of his time has been campaigning.  Obama should not bring up experience, that is a debate that would be welcomed by the republicans.

    ;As the chief executive of an oil and natural gas-rich state, Palin heads the National Governors Association's Natural Resources Committee. She has campaigned in favor of drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And this week she signed legislation on a natural gas pipeline that would tap resources in Alaska's North Slope.'

    history has been made today.  Palin is a good role model for our young people..

  4. Liberal lie lie lie

    NY times is going out of business because no one want all the bias BS

  5. I heard they have a new owner. If this doesn't stop, I'll use WikiAnswers.


  7. cause they are liberals


  8. Most Liberals lie to support their unsupportable opinions.

  9. You're not surprised, are you? It's a Soros directive.

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