
What's the deal with acai berries?

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Are they any more nutritious than good old blueberries and blackberries or is it just the fact that they are from another country and all?




  1. They are indeed very good, but hopefully corporations won't go drilling into the rain forests of South America to find them. Yet, when you factor in the ignorance of the American population with the greed of corporations, that is exactly what they will do.

  2. Acai berries have far more antioxidants than any other fruit. Even more than blueberries! Besides that, the nutrients in acai berry supplements help many other diseases and maladies, from diabetes to arthritis to blood clotting. It really is a worthwhile supplement to add to your daily nutrition.

    Of course most of the hype is about acai being a rainforest fruit, and how all these alleged superfoods come from the rainforest. That might be true, but the shoe really fits for acai.

    The berry’s natural concoction of essential fatty acids, fiber, phytosterols and amino acids work together to help your body burn fat more efficiently, process food more quickly and shed the unwanted pounds that you’d like to lose.

    The fatty acids and amino acids aid in both muscle development and proper digestion, both of which are essential to fat loss. The fiber helps your body to move food out of your system quicker and also to help you feel full, as do fatty acids. Phytosterols help fortify your digestive tract, moving waste materials out and absorbing nutrients more efficiently.

    What I recommend is to get a free trial of a Extreme Acai, which you can get at the source link below. I think you will find it a suitable addition to your diet.

  3. This video gives some information for you

  4. "little power berry," "one of the most powerful and nutritious super foods," 10 times the antioxidant properties of red grapes and twice that of blueberries."

    All of that is from my wife's bottle of freeze dried acai.  It's basically an antioxidant, omega fat, dietary fiber and amino acid suppliment.

  5. I don't know but I saw a bottle at the health food store of natural acai berry juice for 50 DOLLARS!

  6. they are more nutritious

    i love them

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