The government (atleast in Scotland) are doing all they can to fight against people treating the elderly like ****. And they claim "People of ALL ages are equal". But it seems they forgot to add the "Only applies to over 18's" part. Why do under 18's never get taken seriously?
Sure, most teenagers are still growing up, but then again, most old people are dying and their brains are rotting away. Most teenagers "know nothing", but most older people forget everything aswell.
Do they ever stop to think that there are some under 18's that AREN'T like the others tho'? NO. Some under 18's aren't rebellious punks, or little bratty popstar wannabe b*****s. Infact, I'm 14, and I'm ALLOT smarter than my dad. When it comes to life, and when it comes to stuff you can get a job in, such as computing. I've went into detail about stuff to my computing teacher in school, and she gets confused. I've fixed computers in my school where the cable was just hanging out but everybody is like "OH NOEZ IT'S BROKEDED!!!"...INCLUDING the adults.
But instead of "Congratulations John you smart cookie!", I get told "It was broken! You could have blown your face off you foolish child!".
I don't like this whole "Teenagers are stupid" thing. If that's the case, you might aswell say all Jews have big noses, all emos slit their wrists, all old people listen to Elvis Presley, all of the government are selfish *****, all death metal musicians sing about Satan, all Muslims are terrorists, etc.
Get my point? It's a stereotype, and it's unfair, and I think we should fight against it just like everybody else fights against the unfairness they face. The suffragettes didn't like it when they got treated like lower life forms 'coz of their gender did they? Or the Jews when they got totally PWNT by Hitler? They fought back. Why don't we fight back too?
And why does NOBODY seem to notice this? Or fight for it? Why is it still okay to fight for old people if you look down on younger people? Why don't the government stop being ******* idiots and start judging people by experience, not years?
I'm sure for any good learners out there, in 14 years us teenagers have had more than enough time to get really good at something, even if we cut out the few years it takes us to learn language and life's basic skills.
Oh **** this was more of a speech than a question. But oh well, it means something to me and better actually be taken seriously, or I'm gonna have to pretend I'm 18 like I've had to do before.