
What's the deal with all the Christian symbols in anime?

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Since Evangelion it seems like tons of anime have Christian themes, characters wearing crosses, scenes taking place in churches, etc.

Isn't like 2% of the Japanese population Christian? What's the deal?




  1. Evangelion sounds like Evangelist. There's your answer for the crosses. Anyways, I think it's catholic and the big churches represent something with the Vatican. That's my answer for it.

  2. It's Foreign Mysticism, In Animes it would be referred to as "Romantic".  

  3. Apparently that 2% is producing anime. Who knows...

  4. Just a guess:::

    In Japan, Gothic and Gothic Lolita fashions are very very popular. Usually Christian symbols are put in the outfits to acssesorize and well... haha they couldve just used them in animes. Churches and such are just places that can follow the plot of lots of animes...

    I would love to see a synagogue in an anime...

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