
What's the deal with the Hill's?

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I have watched it a few times, but i don't really know any background on it. Is it scripted or is it a reality show? I think it is kind of stupid because everything seems so laid out if you know what i mean. So anyways tell me what it is about because apparently it is a really big show that a lot of people watch. Thanks in advance!




  1. ugh. i wouldn't watch a show about spoiled b*tches doing absolutely nothing if you paid me.

  2. It's basically just about the lives on a bunch of rich and beautiful people in their 20's in LA.

    Well, the girls and guys on the show email the producers at the beginning of the week and tell them what they are going to be doing that week (eg. parties, dinner etc...) and then the camera crew, producers and I don't know who else go to the club or restaurant or whatever, and set up the cameras and hand out release forms to everyone there, saying that they can be shown on MTV. Then Lauren Conrad or Heidi or whoever comes and they film and sometimes they have to re shoot things that they miss (like fights etc.) So it's not really scripted but yeahh I think it's kind of lame.

  3. I just tune in to see my girlfriend Audrina

  4. Ok..

    Its not scripted, but the producers do maniupulate almost every single scene to produce the outcome that they want. They also set up scenes, for example they will have lauren go somewhere, and tell heidi to go to the same place without realising that eachother are gunna be there. They also chooce where the girls shop, where they have lunch and who they hang out with during filming

    But everything that comes out of their mouths is real, at the end of the day, thats probably the only real thing about that show. I mean, no normal 22 year old lives like that--making millions of dollars, living in a mansion they bought themselves, only hanging out with certain types of people. They are very shallow and superficial.

    Ive always said that if Lo had to hang out with a person of another race she would probably have a heartattack.

  5. i love that show

  6. i think the hill show is boring  

  7. I hate that show

  8. It's not scripted, but they have done retakes on episodes but I don't think that makes it scripted, maybe because they messed up a shot or something.

    Those are their real friends, real enemies, real jobs, real boyfriends, so it's pretty much a reality show.

  9. the show does seem scripted, although the cast denies it. but some of the scenes have to be redone due to paparazzi.  The cast of the show was put together for show, only a few new each other before the show started.  

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