
What's the deal with this new fighter jet the F-35 Lightning?

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There is so much hype about it, but why? It has noticably decreased speed and ceiling, and there were also weight and drag issues. It was able to do some nice maneuvers (but with barely any fuel). The F-14s, F-22s, F-18s, F-15s, F-16-s, etc. seemed to have far better performance. The Concorde, an airliner made in the 1960's gets up to those speeds! They say it has stealth, (like the enemies are not going to notice this cheap piece o' junk thing farting through the sky). Is the high tech computer bullcrap inside really gonna help this thing succede? This thing sucks, but why is it getting so much praise? Can it compete with the Legendary F-14s we sold to those who may easily be our future enemies?




  1. Okay...we have a lot of people that sound like they know what they're talking about, but don't.  First of all to the guy who says the F-35 is 'proving it every day at Edwards'...thats pretty hard to believe seeing how we havn't taken it out there yet.  Second to the question.  There is so much hype because its the first stealth multirole fighter.  Its maximum speed is much less than some older fighters, but in the fighter world many pilots go to retirement never having taken the jet that fast.  You just don't do it.  Altitude wise, it will operate higher than most fighters out there aside from maybe the F-22.  There are no weight and drag issues.  The F-35 will also be capable of 9g's so it can easily dogfight if needed.  It also now bears the title of most powerful single engine fighter in the world.  Its stealth is better than that of the F-117, thats all I'll say.  The avionics, like the F-22, will show a god-like view of the battlespace around the jet.  As far as asking about putting up in the air with Iranian God, there wouldn't be many Tomcats left, if any at all, when it was over.  

    Before saying the F-35 sucks, and calling it a piece o'junk, I would suggest you actually read up on it as its clear you know nothing about it.  Here are some websites for you:

  2. I'd say it sux. They're just boasting about the vertical takeoff and landing. It's capabilities ain't that brilliant. The F-22 Rapter is much better (and the price tag is much larger too). I prefer the F-15. It's performance is unmatched. Teh sir superiority fighter. The king of the skies.

  3. High tech is s**y, and the Navy and Marines happen to need a new plane to replace the old ones which are getting, well old, and becoming unsuitable for the tasks they were designed in this new age of war.

    the pukes who make the decisions think it'll make a difference

    it probably will.

    Its a nice mix of stealth maneuverability, speed and armament.

    I personally dislike single engined fighters because when you got the throttle and the stick, you don't feel as much power surging through your veins. same problem with the f-16. great airplane, nice armament, good maneuverability, but not much raw power.

    Don't forget, there might be things unknown to the public. You don't need to know everything according to the government.

    Speed isn't everything, sure it helps when you need to disengage, but ideally, you shouldn't need to with the f-35.

    Dunno if you've heard, but the USAF and NASA and a bunch of other nerds at Dreamland (Groom Lake) developed active camo, and it will make the plane adapt to the same color as its surroundings. That should prevent the enemy from "seeing it f**t across the sky"

    Additionally, the f-25 has just about the same fuel capacity as the f-18, so no problem there, especially with in flight refueling from a variety of aircraft. Its engine is more economical too.

    Also, the f-35 is just part of a much bigger picture. AWACS planes, refuelers, Attack planes, subs, surface ships, cruise missiles, strategic bombers, they are all part of the machine that fight the wars. All these assets "talk" with each other in real time, sharing info about threats and friendly units.A war is not fought or won with just a single type of asset like the f-35.

    With all those assets, new missiles, new satellite tech, etc, the old f-14 we sold to god knows who don't stand a chance.

    by the way the f-14s you seem to like are way too old. They might've been great airplanes, and they are believe me, but the airframe has a limited lifespan. The old f-14s are falling apart when you pull Gs.

  4. You know back in the early '70s critics like you were spouting about the "Legendary" F14.  Too high tech doesn't do this doesn't do that.

    The F35 is NOT designed to haul butt; absolute speed is not a requirement for air combat-hasn't been since the early 1980's.  It is at least as capable in the air/air realm as the Hornet or Viper.  AGILITY is, which is ability to move quickly in/out of trans-sonic speeds, maintain sustained high-G if needed.  "They" are right: it is stealthy, it's radar cross-section is at least as small if not smaller than the F22 or F117.  That means the crew gets through the air defenses, offloads its ordnance and gets out-safely.  It has a proven capability to datalink not only with other F35s and AWACS, but also DIRECTLY with the Forward Air Controller-they can pass data back and forth.  This means strikes closer to the Forward Edge of the Battle Area, and fewer incidents of friendly fire.  It's also easier to maintain than the Eagle or Viper-and is being proven every day at Edwards.  That's also thanks to the "computer bullcrap".

    So, in your extensive Close Air Support and Fighter experience what "sucks" about all of that?

  5. it hovers but a lt more stable then the harrier my dad knew a guy who killed himself when a harrier flipped over

  6. I do have to mention, however, that it does have the largest single engine ever put into a fighter jet. It can achieve over 40,000 lbs. of thrust with afterburner. the F-35 is a multi-role aircraft, so sure it doesn't have the highest speed, or sharpest turning, but it makes up for that with its advanced weapons and computers which will supposedly outsmart the enemy. That's just my opinion. I'm neutral about the F-35.

  7. Yes it does have stealth, the shape and materials are less detectable by radar and infrared. The naked eye of course can still see it, but only from too close to do anything about it. I think you're missing the point of the aircraft. The F22 is the replacement for front line fighters like the F14 and F15. The F35 is a supplementary aircraft and will serve alongside the F22. It does not have to be a better fighter aircraft than the F22, because the F22 is intended to gain air dominance while the F35 is the work horse. The F35 is much cheaper and has a much broader capability. So they can use it for more kinds of missions and they can deploy many more of them. The simple reality is that not even the US military can afford fleets of specialized aircraft any more. So the F35 is expected to fill multiple roles. Also, it is a standardized airframe for the Air Force, Marines and Navy. Making it still cheaper over all to buy. I believe this is the first aircraft in history to be used by all three, or at least the first to be initially planned to do so.

    Also, top speed is not the ultimate performance indicator. Manoeuvrability is much more important, and I'm sure the F35 is very agile. I have no doubt that the F35 will perform well, there's too much riding on it, they're going to make sure they get what they need.

  8. F-22 Lightning II

    F-35 is a multiservice attack plane

  9. The F-35 was the call for ONE aircraft for a joint aircraft for most of our military, just like the F-4 was but we live in a different time with different commitments within our military. The current think tanks think that stealth is the way to go and in someways I think they are right.      BUT  Lockheed last time of actually building a fighter is over 40 years ago in a different time and to me the cost over-runs including the 500mil dollar f-22  does not justify THEM on building the next fighter (It's all politics) even though Mc Donnell Douglas had a aircraft (before Boeing) that the think tanks say was TOO ADVANCE and UNFEASABLE. Now we are stuck with  a aircraft with a price tag next to the f-22.

    F-14 Tomcat's ONLY EXPORT was to Iran. When the US maintenance workers left before the shaw fell, they made sure that IT would never fly.

    ex MDC flight ramp

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