
What's the definition of 'generation debt'?

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and also why is it harder to join/stay in the middle class?




  1. It refers to this current generation in their early 20's.  They have enjoyed the fruits of their parent's labor and now have to join the workforce at a time when we are in an economic crisis.  Unlike their  parents they have never known a time when gas may have to rationed, when  the cost of food is so high they just may not be able tot eat out, when technology is not at their fingertips and  there is no disposable  income.  Their educations has been financed through loans and some scholarships, but, in general it is now time for them to start paying up and they may not have the jobs available that they assumed were going to be available when they first entered college. Interest is high and banks are not financing as easily as before. The housing market is out of this hemisphere. Therefore, they are in a lot of debt, in fact, up to their ears, trying to pay off school loans, car loans, ridiculously  

    high cell phone bills and other "tetchy" type bills.  I have faith however, because they are educated they will eventually rally and all will be good.  Good luck Gen-Debt!

  2. Generation debt refers to the young people right they are in such bad trouble because how expensive everything is like gas and the general cost to live...those who are working to make a living for themselves and trying to get up on their feet are having a hard time because the jobs right now arent pay what we need to survive because of inflation.

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