
What's the diference between 520-525-530 chain sprocket kit???

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what's the diference between 520-525-530 chain sprocket kit???




  1. Torque & top speed?

  2. 520 chain kits are the lightest and are used by most if not all racing teams. 530 chains come stock on most sportbikes also are used in drag applications and car conversions. I run 520 kits on all my sportbikes and never had an issue.

  3. above, and a 520 chain will be lighter...but weaker.  It's all about trade offs.  There's lots of good reading about chains and sprockets, have a look at the link below:

  4. The "5" denotes the pitch, or distance between the teeth (5/8" in your case) and the last numbers are the width.  The bigger the number, the wider the chain, the wider the chain, the more bearing surface and the more power you can put through it.

  5. Well the lower the number of teeth the more power you'll get in. But if you have a larger sprocket you will receive more acceleration and it will chew down quicker

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