
What's the diff.between?

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Aboriginal Australians and Americans versus aboroginals Palestinians




  1. I agree with Ms.Miche!

    Was Kosovo there 100 years ago? no... was Bosnia Herz there 100 years ago? no... Chencya there in 100 years ago? no...

    Soon, more lands in europe will be in MUSLIM HANDS...

    so what the h**l r u guys waitin for?




    The more muslim in europe, more killings/problems...

    The less muslim in europe, less killings/rapes/problems etc...

    Give back the land of Cyprus to Greece?

    Give back the land of northern greece to Macedonia and Albania?

    Give back the land of Taiwan to china?

    Give back the land of Koreas to Japan? (there was no Koreas ages ago...)

    soo why it has to be all the times about ISRAEL?

    leave Israel alone!!!

    I am fed up with these anti semistic, anti israel and pro terrorism people here... sooo fcukin annoying... i feelin like i wanna bashin them right now...


  2. there is little because they were all equipped with out of date weapons against powers that were so technologically advanced ---  

    they all had their lands invaded and occupied illegally

    they all have had attrocities and war crimes committed against them

    only differences are in history - race - and geography - religions they have so much in common and little difference

    they all have been murdered and slaughtered by powers that lied and spread false PR about hostiles / terrorists etc when the people were resisting invasion and occupation

  3. Palestinians are the greatestestestestestestestest people on earth and they have no equals. Long live Palestine.

  4. The difference is that some are peaceful and some are not.  It's really not about the land, it's about the people, you made conclusion there yourself!

  5. Hummus.  The aboriginal Australians lacked hummus.  Despite many fine qualities, they cannot cook like Palestinians.

    And slave_mak, while I agree with some of your sentiments (OK, just the leave-Israel-alone ones, not the anti-Muslim ones), you cannot say them aloud here without being accused of being a n**i apartheid Holocaust fabricating Hollywood-controlling Zionist AIPAC hooknosed Jesus-killing colonial crypto-fascist bloodthirsty Jew pig.  Oddly, Yahoo! permits this, but obviously only as a Zionist ploy to try to create sympathy for the oppressors of the innocent Palestinians, for surely we control Yahoo! as well.

    Remember, kicking Muslims out of a country is ethnic cleansing.  Kicking Jews out of a country is bringing justice to the long-suffering Palestinian Arabs.  It's different, because we Jews aren't human beings like Muslims.  If they migrate, they are immigrants.  If we migrate, we are colonialists.  If they buy a house, they own it.  If we buy a house, we stole it.  If they've lived in Lebanon for 3 generations and built tents, they are Palestinian refugees, not Lebanese.   If we've lived in Israel for 3 generations and built a nation, we are Europeans.  Even if our grandparents moved to Israel from Iraq.  You need to learn this logic, by which 3rd-generation Americans would not be legitimate citizens, and by which Chinese Americans actually would be from, say, France.  Get with the program. ;)

  6. The difference is that most Israelis half of all Jews in Israel are descended from Arab and Iranian Refugees....Americans?????There are about 100,000 here out of 7.3 Million.

  7. LOL Miron is upset !!

    Beyson, the difference is huge as Miron said, you can not compare them because aboriginals in Australia and America accepted the occupation, and they saw that it Will be beneficial for their future but not Palestinians.

    Palestinians are much more attached to their lands because of religion and History, so in that case for sure they will not give up and they will get back their lands, not like Australians and Americans.

    So I'm obliged to say that Miron is right this time !!!

    we should all say : Thank you Miron.

  8. The Aboriginal Australians and Americans God did not promised to them anything.

    The jew God promised someone else's land that have a different God.

    I sure do not like the jew God way of thinking.

    Even so, I am sure no God would say to His people go and kill everyone and then come back here and report to Me.

    I think these people are gonna be punished real hard very soon.

    Unless we are talking about Dracula here so it's OK I guess.

    bye bye

  9. You are talking eggs and watermelons.

    Was Australia given to the English by the UN ???

    This is not a Palestinian site, why do you keep on with this antagonism ???

  10. Beyson,

    The difference is "Palestinians" were made up of Muslims, Christians and Jewish people.  Palestinian comes from the Greek name Philistine - having nothing to do with Muslims.  Muslims never called themselves "Palestinians" until the 60's.  They use that name simply because they lack identity.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  11. The Palestinian Spirit is still strong.

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