
What's the differemce between being a "hater" and being "jealous"?

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What's the differemce between being a "hater" and being "jealous"?




  1. Fine line between love and hate...we often do not look closely at why we hate..could it be....?

  2. Those are two different things.  To be a "hater" is to express inappropriate or groundless dislike of someone or something based on some kind of bias.  "Jealous" means resentful because of another person's advantages or successes.

    Jealousy is a kind of bias, so a hater can be motivated by jealousy, but not always.

  3. to me it's the same.

  4. Hate doesn't always mean that the other person has something you want. It might just be pure, simple dislike.

  5. they both are synonymous

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