
What's the difference between Astrology and Astronomy?

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What's the difference between Astrology and Astronomy?




  1. Astrologer: Oh, you're a Leo with Mars in Aries and Venus in Virgo. That means you will be most likely to get lucky with the opposite s*x during months beginning with the letter J in even-numbered years.

    Astronomer: See that planet over there? Here's a telescope. Have a look!

  2. astrology is c**p and make believe

    astronomy is a real sustainable science

  3. Astrology is based on cockameemee(sic) observations that are inherently based upon a geocentric universe and therefore much of a crock.

    Astronomy is the study of the universe.

  4. Though they sound the same, they have very different meanings.

    Astrology is the "study" of how the position of the planets, and sometimes passing of smaller celestial bodies affect your life, or the lives of others. Really, ancient astronomy was astrology. When a new star showed up, it meant the birth of a king. When they saw a "shooting star" it meant a military victory. Astrology is fake, because the position of the planets will have no affect on our personalities, or our day unless you plan on observing them.

    Astronomy is the study of virtually everything in space. It is the study of the universe and the celestial bodies that inhabit it. Astronomers study stars, planets, asteroids, meteors, galaxies, nebulae, dark matter, dark energy, etc. Then you have "astrophysics" which is basically the study on how the universe works. Its the study of the physics in the universe.

    Astrology = fake

    Astronomy = real science

  5. Exactly the same difference as between walking to school and eating a ham sandwich.

  6. If you ask an astronomy question here, it will be answered enthusiastically by several knowledgeable, helpful people.

    If you ask an astrology question here, it will be mocked. :)

    Seriously, though, astronomy was once just a part of astrology. They both involve making observations of the sky, but that's where the similarities end. Astrology is based on the idea that the stars are like messages from the heavens that are telling us about human events. The idea is that if you know how to read the stars, you'll know what is going to happen here on Earth.

    Astrology in general is very old, and our "modern" western version of it is about 2000 years old.

    Astronomy is the study of the sky for scientific learning. Galileo Galilei is known as the father of astronomy, as he is the first modern scientist who used a telescope to make observations of outer space. Astronomy, being a type of science, is not concerned with how stars might be read to foretell the future. In fact astronomers regard astrology as superstitious nonsense. Astronomy is concerned with finding out the workings of the universe - how gravity effects things, how the universe got here, what is happening to it, what are quasars, which stars have planets around them, etc.

  7. One is fictional, with no basis in reality other than that created by the believers.  It seems to be lucrative for those who practice it.

    The other is a science, the study of extra-terrestrial objects, namely stars, planets, galaxies, etc.  Not quite so lucrative for those who practice it.....

  8. Astronomy is a science that studies the objects away from planet Earth

    Astrology is a bunch of baloney about people telling the futures of other people based solely on their birthday and the current position of certain heavenly bodies.

  9. Astronomy is ones passion about things beyond the earth.

    Astrology? its all useless predictions about some things and simply -- an insult of the word 'Astro'.

  10. Astrology is the study of how the position of the planets and stars effect your mood/luck/destiny depending on what day you were born.

    Astronomy is the study of the stars, planets and other stuff in space.

    Asronomy = real science

    Astrology = fake science

  11. one is teh scientific study of the universe.

    the other is garbage, a sign of feeblemindedness and defective education.

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