
What's the difference between BREAK IN and BREAK INTO??

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  1. If you have a break-in, someone came into your home without permission and stole from you.  It comes from the idea that, when someone on the outside of the house breaks the glass, most of it fallls inside the house.

    If you break into something, you are gaining entrance to something without permission.

    Break-in, you are the victim or the officer writing a report about what happened to your home, apatrment, or vehicle.

    Break into, you are the one committing the act at the time.

  2. Break in......Como dice: romper o forzarse en (ejemplo)  la

    casa de alguien, generalmente es crimen, y comete robo, van

    dalismo, violasion etc....

    Y Break into (ejemplo) tratar de sin autorizacion ver los "records" de un paciente en el hospital ...o en una oficina de negocios y robarte los numeros de tu targeta de credito

    o en tu PC para sacarte informacion

    Generalmente son crimenes....y si la policia o autoridades veces lo hacen para evitar o atrapar a un criminal o algo es crimen ji ji

  3. It depends... they can both mean the same...

    Break in/Break into (a building) .. to get into a building for example to steal something.

    Break into (something) .... to suddenly begin to do something ... broke into song ... breaking into a run

    Break in (interrupt) ... he broke into the conversation, he would often break into her conversation

    Break in (opportunity) ... she finally got a break in acting

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