
What's the difference between Barack Obama and Darth Vader?

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This question is just for fun......Points awarded to the most original or funniest answer.




  1. Darth was a fictional character, Obama is a real threat

  2. Don't be silly. Cheney is Darth Vader.

    Obama is Black Hitler.

  3. Yeah.  I'm no Obama supporter, but that question leaves a lot to be desired.

  4. One is big, black and evil, and would kill us all if he could, with the mystical power his followers believe he has.

    The other is a character in a movie.

  5. Barack Obama wouldn't have the balls to slice up his adversaries....he would want to negotiate without pre-conditions.

  6. Vader has a penchant for blowing up planets and enjoys long walks in the parks of Imperialized places. He is attracted to shiny objects; and, using ‘the Force’, likes to fondle women's rears from an observable distance while daydreaming about the one chick that couldn't handle a wimpy version of the Force choke.

    Bammy has a penchant for over-exaggeration, enjoys pulling the wool over his devoted storm-troopers eyes while he convinces them that they are not dispensable (until after the election).  He enjoys long walks in lala-land where he comes up with greater and greater stories of self, and transfers them onto works of fiction.  He is attracted to dense objects (Michelle), and using ‘the Force’, likes to work up unimaginable tax numbers to levee on the working class so that all the welfare people will be happy and consider him the Messiah.

    Excuse me, I have to go vomit now.

  7. How far in school did you get?

  8. Um, Darth Vader is a fictional character and Obama is a real person. Duh.  

  9. Actually, Anakin Skywalker in Episode 3 was m0deled after W.  Note how he said, "Whoever is not with me is my enemy"?

  10. One hides his face and identity behind a black mask.  One is actually black and has no need to hide.  One has the power he obtained by magic and the other has only the power other people have given him, just like any politician.  

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