
What's the difference between Barack Obama and a airhead valley girl?

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This question is just for fun......Points awarded to the most original or funniest answer




  1. What RW that funny as h**l

  2. One was a Senator of Illinois, the other a Mayor, I mean Governor of Alaska.

  3. By "airhead valley girl" do you mean Michelle Obama?  I don't think there is a lot of difference between her and Obama!

  4. Intelligence.

  5. One got gagged with a spoon.

    One got gagged by Larry.

  6. WOW  you are the specail needs child palin was talking about get a life

  7. the valley girl has more experience!

  8. Well Senator Obama says:   Duh Duh Duh

    And the Valley Girl says:      Like Totally

    Duh Duh Duh and Like Totally means the same thing:    ZERO.

    The difference is Obama doesn't know the Valley Girl is agreeing with him. Am I Right?

  9. If you're referring to Obama and Palin, Obama has an undergraduate and a law degree from the Nation's top ivy league universities. She has a BS in journalism an is a former beauty queen, a fact I'm sure the old man appreciates. He cheated on his first wife for a rich "looker." I really couldn't find anything humorous in this. Our country is at stake. Go McCain--good eye.

  10. The air head has bigger balls... even if shes dead wrong i bet she will take a stand.. instead of "present" 130 times.

  11. The airhead valley girl says "like" alot; while Obama says "uhhhhhh", "ummmmm", "you know", and "like" alot.

  12. Obama has a brain. And he looks different. And all that other c**p....

  13. one is a candidate for president.

    one is a candidate for vice president?

  14. Hillary Clinton

  15. One is a gun-toting, bear hunting, no nonsense pit bull with lipstick, the other is a wishy-washy blow-with-the-wind flip-flopping pansy.

  16. Barack Obama is a black, early childhood poverty,  single mother and grandparent raised, Hawaain/Indonesian, and Kansas native, Columbia, Harvard Law SumaCum Laude graduate who was the first black President of the Harvard law review, who was a constitutional law professor, lawyer, state, and U.S Senator....besides that there really not too much of a difference

  17. Lipstick?

  18. An airhead valley girl knows what she's talking about...

  19. Batman has the best answer, lmfao.

  20. Hair color.

  21. Obama never wears a mini-skirt in public.  

  22. Everything.

  23. The airhead valley girl is on the Republican ticket.

  24. None, they can both still be great politicians.  

  25. He is anti female she is not.

  26. the world

  27. The airhead valley girl is as smart as George W. Bush, while Obama will succeed him.

  28. Air head valley girls have some qualifications to be President

  29. Barack's head can hold MORE "air". . .because he's a MALE with a larger cranial cavity !!!!!

  30. an unwed pregnant teenage daughter?

  31. both are good looking, young and smart.

    The table have been turn around to opposite direction. Whatever lies the Republicans threw on Obama, is now been thrown to Palin.

    sarah Palin don't know what is a vice president.  

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