
What's the difference between Black magic, and white magic?

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What's the difference between Black magic, and white magic?




  1. One is black with a capital "B", the other is just plain white.

  2. white magic is based on restorative proporties and general use majiks, such as scrying, seiances and other such useful things.

    black magic is based on curses and anything that can be used harmfully. naturallty it is a truly dangerous majik to perform. its random, uncontrollable, etc etc.

    hope this helps.

  3. Magick has no colour, there is a misconception about black & white magick.. We could say that all magick is grey if we were to use a colour system..

    We need balance, night balances day, good balances evil etc; it is the practicioner, not the magick..

    Love & Light... )O(

  4. Magick is Magick it is neither Black nor White,

    those who believe it has color have lost site,

    Magick is energy and it can have positive and negative effects.

    Magick bends to the practitioners will, but karma and the Three Fold Law keep all Magical workings in check, so it depends on th practitioners will as to how others will describe it and that is where the Black and White color scheme comes in.

    Goddess Bless.

    Blessed Be.

  5. There is no white magic in reality, only black magic. Black magic is magic that is done through Satanic rituals and homage to creatures such as Seth.

    Perhaps white magic is the healings and such done through God. Not familiar with the term though.

  6. Magic is NEVER (read that word and understand) black and white.  Magic exists only in shades of gray.  A spell to hurt someone could in turn make that person stronger, in effect doing good.  A spell to help someone could make their life easier and in turn leave them unfulfilled and weak, in turn that spell intended to be good is bad.  Both will have return effects on the spell caster and these effects will be carried out by Nemesis who maintains balance in natural law.  If a spell is intended to have negative effects, Nemesis will return, in full fury that debt, if the effects are bad, even if the intention is good, she is till there in all her righteous wrath.

    Magic runs along with natural laws, cause and effect.  The reason experienced spell casters seal their spells to harm none is because of this.  If the spell cannot work in those bounds, it does not work.  This is the main reason many of us get annoyed by people asking for 'easy spells the work good.'  Nothing easy is worth it's time, and often has bad effects.  It would be a fools errand to run headfirst into this.

  7. Well, first let's point out that there are more than two crayons in the box.

    Black magic is generally understood to be harmful, while white magic is beneficial.  But the obvious question here is harmful or beneficial to whom?

    Most witches go by the three-fold law: what you do returns to you three-fold.  If you do good, you will get it back three-fold; fine.  But if you do harm and get it back three-fold, what just hurt your victim may kill you.

  8. Black magic is used to harm some one. While white magic is generaly used to help some one.

  9. Either way, the person is young and misinformed enough to think that magic comes in colors...

  10. Black magic has a funky beat; white magic is a spell you put on someone to keep them from slam dunking a basketball.

  11. There is no such thing as "Black" magick or "White" magick, Magick is just energy, (I'm using the spelling Magick to differentiate from Magic; such as sleight of hand and other illusionary tricks)  it becomes as you say "Black" when the person channeling such power charges it with a malicious intent. Hexes, Curses, Love spells and Jinxes all fall under "Black" magick. Any spell or magick wrought with the intent to cause harm or bind and stifle free will can be labeled as "Black Magick".  One must understand that there are forces; energies; that are all around us but those who choose to use them have the right to use them for good or for evil, magick in and of its self is good and pure, think of magick as a baby, when a baby is an infant its pure and free of sin but by adulthood it knows good and evil. what you teach it ultimately sets the path for which it will walk for life, thus magick when left by itself is neither good nor evil nor does this energy interfere with man but when man commands this energy it is corrupted by man's malicious intent. I hoped this helped to clear up any misconceptions about magick, sorry that it was so long an explanation BUT I think you have the right to an educated answer.

  12. Alot of good answers, but I think I will throw in my 2cents anyway.

    If we think of magick simply as energy, like electricity or heat or light, then it doesn't have a color. It is neither black nor white nor grey because such colors indicate 'intent', which magick is and of itself empty of. So it might be better to say its the color of wind than to call it a color.

    Where magick gets its color, and thus its intent, is from the person using the energy and the person commenting on the energy. Because most people think in terms of simplicity and d**k and jane understanding, they try and divide things into their most simplest form, and dividing something into is/isn't is the simplest it can be. Therefore, magick, to them, is either good or bad, white or black, helpful or harmful.

    Where this gets its power from is both its simplicity and the element of truth contained within it. Much that is black magick does involve powers that can be considered bad, harmful and 'darkened' or soiled. And much that is white magick is considered good, helpful and brightening.

    But the truth of it is that most magick is done without full awareness of the consequences of one's actions, so labeling one's magick as white or black is erroneous at best. For example, let us say you are doing a basic healing spell. Most of the time, healing makes a person's life better. But what if in healing this person, you rob them of the experience that would have made their life richer by letting them go through it? Or what if the illness was meant to slow down their life in such a way that it would force them to take it easy for awhile. You perform a little 'white' magick and not only has the person not slowed down but now they feel even more invigorated to go out and continue being the kind of person they were, instead of slowing down and making a lasting and fundamental change in their life. Have you truly 'helped' the person, according to the laws of white magick you supposedly follow, or have you, in fact, hindered the person via your ignorance, and truly committed a 'darker' act that you will refuse to take responsibility for, making it even darker for the refusal?

    Now for someone who's into the 'black arts.' Yes, much that is dark is concerned with power, domination, the causing of suffering to others, riches, luxury, ease, shortcuts and whatnot. But to say that a black practitioner cannot perform 'white' magick is also illusionary. Suppose they do a spell that 'attacks' someone who they think is a bully. Yes, it is a spell to cause pain and suffering to that person, but even the whitest of white people agree that there are moments when causing someone else pain and suffering (either momentarily, like during a bank robbery, or longer, like getting a pedophile arrested) performs some positive result. The pain and suffering caused the person does not discount the lack of pain and suffering, or the avoidance of such, that others will no longer have to experience. Does that differentiate the working as black, white, grey, polka dotted?

    Magick isn't just about labeling and understanding the short term consequences of what one does but also the long term consequences as well. The magick, therefore, does not become grey so much as alternating bands of black and white that reverberate throughout the duration of the spell and its consequences. The yin yang is closer to what magick is really about: every white working has dark purposes and events behind it, while every dark working has light purposes and events working with it. One ignores the hidden purposes and consequences in magick at their own peril.

  13. Black magic is thing that are harmful to others, while white is things that heal others.

    ie. in a video game black magic is fire, ice, thunder, water.....attacks, while white magic is cure, heal, life, health...

  14. I think black magic has something to do with the Devil and being evil? and White magic has something to do with God?

  15. Black Magic is WITCHCRAFT

    White magic: #1 --  is NOT witchcraft.   It is done by illusionists, not witches.

    #2  -  the name of an American ROCK BAND

  16. one's dark

    one's bright

    one's good

    one's bad

  17. Black magick usually brings bad things to a certain creature or person, sometimes to however benefit the caster.

    White magick is generally the sort of magick which is used to heal or bless a creature or person and does not bring harm to anyone or furthermore a sort of magick aimed at no-one specific but doing no harm.

  18. Black Magic-Evil use

    White Magic-Good use

    Black magic was used by the evil people while white magic was used by the good people

  19. No difference.  The proof is in the pudding so to say.  Magick used to connect one with their higher self, God, or whatever is considered by ceremonial practitioners to be White Magic and that used to attain material things, or earthly desires is Black Magic.  

    Modern Wiccans define it (in a way) as the intent behind the spell, to do good for another in accordance with their will you are performing a White Magick while harming or attempting to manipulate anothers will through this process is Black Magick.

    Quick note, the chances of you accidentally performing the black arts are slim to nill since you must know the ways before transgressing against them.  Most "Black Magick" spells books and ancient grimores are little more then chunky old white guys dressing in strange outfits playing D&D within the confines of their mothers attic or basement.  

  20. its said in metaphysical texts its only the right and wrong uses of energy

  21. if your talking about final fantasy, black magic is elemental attack spells (fire, blizzara, thundaga, etc.) and white magic is healing (esuna, curaga)

    if your talking about in general, black magic is evil magic or magic associated with witchcraft. i have neveer heard of white magic though besides FF. sorry i cant help there. but i wish you luck ^^

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