
What's the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R ?

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My recorder will use either one, which should I buy, and why?




  1. Commercial Answer

    The truth is that the two competing technologies use different formats. No single company "owns" DVD and both technologies have their "champions".

    DVD-R/RW was developed by Pioneer. Based on CD-RW technology, it uses a similar pitch of the helix, mark length of the 'burn' for data, and rotation control. DVD-R/RW is supported by the DVD Forum, an industry-wide group of hardware and software developers, and computer peripheral manufacturers. The DVD-R format has been standardized in ECMA-279 by the Forum, but this is a private standard, not an 'industry' ISO standard like the CD-R/RW Red Book or Orange Book standard.

    DVD+R/RW is also based on CD-RW technology. DVD+R/RW is supported by Sony, Philips, HP, Dell, Ricoh, Yamaha, and others, and has recently been endorsed by Microsoft. DVD+R/RW is not supported by the DVD Forum, but the Forum has no power to set industry standards, so it becomes a market-driven issue.

    Technical Answer

    DVD+R is a dvd disc that allows multiple layers for one disc where as DVD-R only allows one layer. They will not compete to become the de Facto standard, because they are both here to stay. Multi layer DVD+R can allow extra capacity per disc than DVD-R hence its high cost!

  2. The two formats are "almost" the same the only difference between the two is that several older stand alone DVD players (the kind that set on your TV or entertainment center) are more likely to be compatible with only one type or the other.  Basically you need to look at where you plan to use the dvd after you burn them.  If you are only going to use them on a PC then either is fine if you want to play them in a dvd player you need to see which is compatible with that particular DVD player.   I think that the DVD-r is the more common of the two for player compatibility.

  3. Ho Phroggy,

    The DVD+R and DVD-R are competing formats much like the old VHS and Beta formats in video tapes. Today most drives are Hybrid and handle both formats. They are usually labeled DVD+/-R

    The market for recordable DVD technology never settled down in favor of either the plus or dash formats, which is mostly the result of the increasing numbers of dual-format devices that can record to both formats; it has become very difficult to find new devices that can only record to one of the formats. However, because the DVD-R format has been in use since 1997, it has had a five-year lead on DVD+R. As such, older or cheaper DVD players (up to 2004 vintage) are more likely to favor the DVD-R standard exclusively, and when creating DVD’s for distribution (where the playing unit is unknown or older) the DVD-R format would normally be preferable.

    My personal experience has led me towards using the +R. It is slightly better at error handling so more tolerant of dirty or damaged media and also more tolerant to the subtle differences between players.


  4. the two are actually exactly the same

    get which ever one the store has for cheaper i guess

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