
What's the difference between DVD-RW & DVD+RW...?

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What's the difference between DVD-RW & DVD+RW...?




  1. They are two competing standards, each coming from a different group of companies.

    Philips/ Sony for one, Panasonic/LG and other Japanese companies for the other (I think).

    They both do the same thing, but the recorder has to be set differently for each type.

  2. one only records once the other many times, i.e -RW like premanent and the other can be recorded on as many times as you wish.

  3. Hi Brad,

    The DVD+R and DVD-R are competing formats much like the old VHS and Beta formats in video tapes. Today most drives are Hybrid and handle both formats. They are usually labeled DVD+/-R

    The market for recordable DVD technology never settled down in favor of either the plus or dash formats, which is mostly the result of the increasing numbers of dual-format devices that can record to both formats; it has become very difficult to find new devices that can only record to one of the formats. However, because the DVD-R format has been in use since 1997, it has had a five-year lead on DVD+R. As such, older or cheaper DVD players (up to 2004 vintage) are more likely to favor the DVD-R standard exclusively, and when creating DVD’s for distribution (where the playing unit is unknown or older) the DVD-R format would normally be preferable.

    My personal experience has led me towards using the +R. It is slightly better at error handling so more tolerant of dirty or damaged media and also more tolerant to the subtle differences between players.


  4. blueyes is only half right. The difference is within the dye/material used on the writable surface and which is why the are labelled "+" and "-". Each requires a slightly different strength in laser reading and some players can only read certain dvds (ie either + or -) Most players on the market can read both.

  5. the first answer actually refers to the difference between dvd-r and dvd-rw! im not sure of the difference between plus and minus rw but i know theyre compatible with different dvd make sure you get whichever one is recommended in the dvd player manual :)x

  6. -RWs and -Rs are compatible with more players and is the one you should go for over +'s. This is basically because the minus type were invented 5 years before the plus type. They say that the plus ones though are less prone to errors, but I think this is minimal. However, do check that your specific DVD player can read -R's/-RW's. For guides on this and other consumer electronics, eg HD Guides visit:

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