
What's the difference between HDMI Cable and Component Cables?

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If i have my X360 hooked up to my HD-TV with the component cables, am i still running on High Definition?

Or is it better hooked up via HDMI cable?




  1. They both support high definition.

    With the xbox 360 you are good with component, because the max 360 can do, and the maximum that 360 games output is 720p, which is the max component cables can do.

    HDMI is the same thing, high definition, except that in can output 1080p. Unless you have a PS3 or a HDDVD/Blu ray player, you dont need it. only SOME ps3 games can output full HD 1080p.

    With an xbox you are fine with component

  2. HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is an interface standard used for audio visual equipment such as high-definition television and home theater systems, with 19 wires that support uncompressed, all-digital video and multichannel audio in a single connection.

    The fundamental difference between HDMI and the 3 wire  component RGB video cables is that HDMI carry all signals in  digital format. The 3 wire component cables carry the RGB video signal only, and only in analog format. It must be converted at some point to digital to display, so there is the possibility of signal degradation or loss of quality.

    So to answer your question, yes component cables will support up to 1080i, (HD). To get the best quality in sound and video at some point you may consider switching to HDMI.

  3. HDMI is the only cable to support full 1080p due to the copyright protections imbedded into the HDMI signal.

    Between 1080i and 1080p only 10% of the people in the world can see the difference.

    If you have a simple setup like a TV capable of 1080p and a source like a HD Satellite & Blu-Ray/HD-DVD then go with the HDMI cable for simple hookup of both audio and video...

    HOWEVER, if you are running HDMI through a Surround Sound Receiver and then out to your TV.... most receivers wont decode and re-encode the HDMI properly. new receivers in the market are starting to but only very recently. So if you're sticking with an older receiver... I'd make sure it re-encodes with new copyright keys the HDMI signal before passing it to your TV. otherwise i'd stick with component.

  4. Component does support High Definition, so yea, you are running HD from the Xbox.

    However, HDMI does provide a significant picture difference than component.  When I switched my cables, my lines and picture became a little bit sharper and brighter.

    I would highly suggest upgrading.

    Forget what the other answers said about the 1080p/1080i/720p.  No matter what TV you have, HDMI will provide a better picture.  Go try it out and see it for yourself.

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