
What's the difference between Ireland 2005 and Ireland 2008? What would you say to someone who was in a cave?

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What's the difference between Ireland 2005 and Ireland 2008? What would you say to someone who was in a cave?




  1. i was there in 05 and oct 06, no diff, plus its not 08 yet so how can you know

  2. i would say hellow there are you ok and no differ between 05 and 08

  3. well not much has changed, traffic is worse and prices have kept going up... although houses are slowing down.

    The polish population here is nearing 200 000.... I think it's the main change

  4. i would say hey Ireland is absolutely nothing compared to the cave but 05 and O6 to 08 is the same. The life is expensive and the country has improved in many parts of the economy.

    And give him water to drink. hihihi

  5. I dont know anyone in a cave

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