
What's the difference between LOVE&LIFE?

by Guest45137  |  earlier

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  1. Well life is what your living and you need to hold on to that and do the right thing so you can keep livin it and lve well...if you hae it never give it away...only to ppl you want to love!

  2. love is a strong emotion that you can express yourself with. Life is an ordinary day which you live everyday.

  3. syntactic: V/F

    semantic: love is word for emotion, life is word for human activity

  4. love is a way of our life...that can change or life..

  5. Love is required to fulfil life

  6. without life there wouldn't be makes life fulfilling

  7. Life is what we are living & Love is a part of life.


  8. First, let's define the two terms:

    Life: (n.) the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual.

    Love: (n.) a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

    {Source: Webster's Dictionary}

    Now I will list only 10 differences:

    (If you need more, you can send me a message)

    1) Life is existence, while love is a feeling.

    2) One may choose to stop life at any time, but never to stop love.

    3) Life is dependent over love. No explanations--think about this one.

    4) Life is selfish; mostly you feel for yourself and want for yourself more than you want for anyone else. Love, though, is, according to the definition, a feeling for another. Keyword: another. So you feel for them and love them sometimes more than you love yourself. You'd never say the discouraging things you tell yourself to your beloved one.

    5) Life exists upon sight, while love is blind.

    6) Life is give and take, while love is selflessness and generosity.

    7) Life begins when you begin. But love begins at a specific point.

    8) Life is long and heavy, love is short, sweet, and simple.

    9) Life can be ended just for love. (think: "I died for love")

    10) While in life, one's heart pounds at regular speed. While in love, one's heart goes crazy.

                                            ~ ♥ ~

  9. No difference in them Life = Love........A life widout love is useless & Love widout life is invisible, unfeelable, intangible.

  10. life is essential to love....

    so, first thing is life, which makes a person to love....

    everyone who lives, is being loved by someone....

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