
What's the difference between Laura Bush killing a guy with a car and Ted Kennedy?

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What's the difference between George Bush's drug use as a young guy and Obama's?

I'll answer it..........The R's never mention their hero's pasts..................




  1. ted kennedy...well he is a fat pompous *** my own opinion...he doesn't know reality from his big toe..can he see that by the way?

    you think she hasn't lived with guilt..i think you may be crazy...

    obama..isnt as clean as he would like you to think..he also doesnt want you to bring this up again..cause we may start talking about it again...stop taking off your antenna so you can stay in contact with the obama mother ship

  2. 'What's the difference between Laura Bush killing a guy with a car and Ted Kennedy?'

    In Laura's case, it wasn't a DUI.  She ran a stop sign.  Shows that Laura doesn't need to be liquored up to do something really stupid.

    In Ted's case, he got caught both DUI and with another woman.

    Adding to the difference, Laura didn't run for president; Ted did.  Thus, his lack of judgment was potentially of greater consequence.

    'What's the difference between George Bush's drug use as a young guy and Obama's?'

    The difference is that Obama turned himself around from being a self-centered partier.  Bush, however, maintained his indifference to the world, delegating his work to bad advisors who he didn't have the strength (or knowledge of the issues) to keep in check.  He maintained his loyalty to one lawyer who shielded a DUI from the press during a gubernatorial campaign, later making him Attorney General.

  3. the press

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