
What's the difference between Mozzarella di Bufala and Ricotta di Bufala?

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What's the difference between Mozzarella di Bufala and Ricotta di Bufala?




  1. Sounds like buffalo mozzarella vs. buffalo ricotta.  Mozzarella is a soft cheese.  Ricotta is actually a by-product of cheese, it doesn't have near as much fat -- mostly protein -- and it's sold in a tub like cottage cheese.

  2. Ricotta is made from the whey of a cooked cheese, in other words a bi-product, it has a slightly grainy texture.

    Mozzarella is not made from bi-products, it is usually soft and when melted stringy.

    Both are made from buffalo's milk.

  3. Mozzarella is made from cheese curd and has an elastic texture.

    Ricotta( to re-cook) is made from the remaining whey left over from the curd making process. It's used to make lasagna, calzones etc etc but the one made from the Water Buffalo is usually eaten with honey and bread.The texture is more solid then cow's milk ricotta and can be cut with a knife( although its still spreadable).

    You could also make just Ricotta with cow's milk and lemon juice( or sheep's milk or water buffalo milk).

    The "water buffalo" is not native to Italy but Indonesia.

    The Italians adopted them( no relation to the American buffalo) and the rest is history. It also makes great yogurt but is not really a good milk for drinking.

    The  mozzarella from the Campania region of Naples is considered the best in the world.

  4. Ricota is more like a cottage cheese.  used in lasagna and soome deserts.

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