
What's the difference between n**i Germany and Sudan and Israel?

by Guest33585  |  earlier

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n**i Germany forced its "undesirables" into ghettos and camps - like Sudan and Israel, but fed and clothed them at its own expense. Sudan and Israel leave that to "the international community".




  1. Israel did not force anyone into camps.

    The arabs went there of their own accord and stay there on instructions of their masters as a political weapon. Instead of getting out and getting lives for themselves.

    But its handy for building bombs etc.

    Israel did not commit mass murder.

  2. Sudan and Israel have not yet turned genocide into an industrial process - and I am not condoning their actions.

    As for n**i Germany feeding and clothing its victims at its own expense I suggest you read a bit of history. From being herded into ghettos right up until after their deaths in the gas chambers, when human hair and gold teeth were extracted, n**i victims were fleeced and exploited.

    The concentration camp system was a source of wealth for the n***s and ran at a vast profit.

  3. Errrm, n**i Germany stripped them, tortured them, starved them and then gassed them! Thats FACT!

    n**i Germany was an evil, dictatorial, aggressive, racist regime(a bit like most Arab nations!)...people were murdered en masse simply for being Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, Communists, Monarchists, g*y or even disabled!.....over 6 million of them!

    Arab Sudan is carrying out a RACIALLY motivated campaign of Genocide, Rape and Ethnic Cleansing against Black African Darfurese.

    Isreal is a parliamentary Democracy, and the Isreali Jews (who have lived in the area uninterrupted for 3000 years!), simply took back the land that was stolen from them by the Arabs.

    Isreal has the right to defend its territory from the Arabs, who have already swallowed 99% of the middle east, much of it stolen from its indiginous populations.

    Good Luck to them!

    I am an Assyrian, we are the NATIVE people of what is now Iraq, i wish we had our land back too! Instead we are at the mercy of Arab and Kurdish Muslims, who are slowly wiping us out!

    I support ANYONE who is threatened or subjugated by Arabs...that includes the Isrealites, Darfurese, Berbers, Syriacs, Copts as well as my own people, the Assyrians.

  4. LOL.  He came into history section to push his propaganda.

    Good job guys for putting him in his place!

    ANSWER:  One country is in Europe, one in Asia, and one in Africa.

  5. You are obviously not a scholar or an historian , (research you information before you print it would be a good idea) To refer to a whole race of people and disadvantaged people as undesirables puts you in the bracket you deserve to be. And for your information for the future , Germany staved all the people in ghetto,s and concentration camps to death, Israel follows all the laws of Geneva convention to the letter . The Sudanese's so called government  are just a bunch of thugs , and follow no laws of ethical or moral decency and are on a Parr with n**i Germany.

  6. Sudan and Israel have not (yet) comit a genocide.

    But the Israelis have the same "attitude" to non-Jews....

    Please have a look at the Talmud book...;)

  7. They arn't exaclty the same situation, but the foundations are the same "if that makes sense". The Israelis are national socialists "like the n***s were" but they arn't evil enough to want to repeat the holocaust, "even though by not doing so they place thier nation in a constant state of threat from their hostile neighbors, "who for the most part really do hate Israel". The Israelis are basically hypocrits and have acted the same way the Europeans did when they invaded the new world and displaced the true inhibitants here. Not all Israelis think or act like this though, "only the radicals and fanatics".  In Sudan the arabs of the north are truely evil "in every sense of the word". They are committing genocide killing women and babies in the south. The west hasn't done much to stop the violence. In my opinion the southern armies need to turn to an alternative method of defense to remove the northern threat. They should use clandestine means to disrupt northern cities, "bomb the rail lines, power lines and ports, and cut food and water supplies". Shoot down transport planes, etc. "if need be".  They should also asassinate key northern officials to weaken their collective morale. If the west won't intervene then this is possibly the only way. Whats going on in the world today is pretty much the same old story played out again and again...

  8. Are you serious?

    n**i Germany did not force "its 'undesirables' into ghettos'- ghettos were established in occupied countries to separate Jews (and only Jews) from the rest of the population.  Concentration camps, established in Germany and occupied territories, are used to imprison anyone (including Jews) who were considered "enemies of the state".  Jews were not persecuted on religious grounds, but on ethnicity; people who had converted to Christianity, even generations before, were still persecuted.  In addition, with the "Final Solution" stemming from the Wannsee Conference of 1942, the n***s attempted to exterminate all Jews in Europe through the creation of six death camps in occupied Poland.  Even before then, systematic murder of Jews occurred in many places, with men, women, and children machine-gunned into mass graves or poisoned in special vans.  The SS even tried to make a profit off their treatment of the Jews: selling their slave labor, confiscating valuables, and ripping gold dental work from those killed in the gas chambers; far from feeding and clothing them.  The international community could not help those held by the n***s, as the Red Cross was often refused access to concentration camps and never got into the death camps.

    In Sudan, people are being murdered for their religious beliefs, much like what occurred under the Mahdi in the late 19th century, though the modern atrocity in Darfur also has ethnic and tribal overtones.

    As for Israel, the Palestinians in the areas of Gaza, the West Bank, and Golan Heights are not being systematically murdered or placed in concentration camps.  Those occupied areas, though mandated by the UN as Palestinian areas, were actually claimed by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.  Israel did not occupy those areas until after defeating the Arab nations in the Six Day War of 1967.  Only after that did Palestinians organizations come into being.  

    There is little truth to what you are asserting.  And don't give me a mock "shalom"; I am not Jewish.

  9. The difference is they are three different countries.

    If you know the answer, why do you ask this question?

    For questions on politics, try the right category.

    Politics & Government - that my friend, is the "truth."

  10. n***s killed millions of people by sending them into gas chambers and other inhumane methods.


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