
What's the difference between Rugby Union and Rugby League? plz help me\!!!?

by Guest57606  |  earlier

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What's the difference between Rugby Union and Rugby League? plz help me\!!!?




  1. Rugby Union started in the Universities and Rugby League started in the Coal Mining towns, that should help to answer the difference. One has brains and finesse the other has..well you know!

  2. League is basically just a faster more exciting version than union with bigger plays and less players and therefore requires more skill to play but is way more fun. The main diff is union is slower more gradual chipping away at the opposition originally played by tutti fruity high society and league are spur of the moment improvisation of very general set plays (more free flowing)

  3. League was a professional sport played by professionals since 1895, where as the other code was amature up until the mid 1990's... which possibly goes to explain the often childish behavior of union players on the pitch and the often dangerous rules and actions; 30 men in a big heap wrestling for a ball! come on lads, its all kick and clap!

  4. Rugby League is the greatest game on earth. It requires skills and strengths that no other game requires. You should watch a game or two. Rugby Union is a good game too, but not nearly as fluid or skillful in my opinion.

  5. That depends on if you are located in England or not!!!

    In england this seems to be some big deal.  For the rest of the world we focus mainly on Rugby Union (15 a side) and 7's (7 a side) and know very little about league (13 a side - I think)

    If you are looking for exciting plays and speed, 7's is the game to watch, but games are only 15 minutes (usually there are several games in a day)

    I think the game with the most diversity of skills is Union

    I also think that that more fluid and the game requiring the most fitness is league.

    I like them all, but extremely rarely encounter any league games!!!  (and it is not the end of the world)

  6. yep, that sounds right from the previous person - i don't need to elaborate!!

  7. Rugby Union is played more in the south of England, whereas rugby league is generally played "oop north". Rugby union has 15 players, but league has no flankers, and so only has 13. In union, when a player is tackled he has to let go of the ball on the floor, and the other players drive over him, to push the opposition off the ball. In league when a player goes down he has to get back up again and put the ball through his legs, to one of his teammates, who will then continue the game. The team gets six tackles in a row to use before they have to hand the ball over to the opposition. That's just the basics, but I hope it helps!

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