
What's the difference between Shell's "V-Power" and Chevron's "Techron"?

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There are 3 close gas stations near me and i wanted to know which offers the best gas and what the difference is between them. Shell has the V-Power, Chevron has the Techron, and i forgot what QT calls their special treatment. Any suggestions?




  1. techron or v-tec is the chemicals put in gas for engion lubrication and cleaning agents for injecters to prevent clogging of injecters, each company has federal standereds to follow but choice is yours, shell and chevron are both good and i beleive QT is sinclare gas.... but preferance is all the individuals own.... good luck

  2. Most premium fuels such as these are basically the same product just with a different name. They have slighly different chemicals and make up, but yes they act exactly the same. My suggestion? Which ever one is cheaper! Also the busiest staion is a good bet too because their fuel is changed more regulary. As it sits in the tanks, it loses quality, so with older fuel you can really notice the difference.

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