
What's the difference between Vegetarians and Vegans?

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And which do you think is "healthier" being a vegetarian, vegan, or neither. Explain(:





  1. apparently you got the answer to the definition.. But you know, personally I think that being a vegetarian isnt that healthy cuz look at it this way, you've cut off the most important foods! not just DELECIOUS! but also important for the body..

    God created animals to be eaten! not to have "rights" against being eaten =S

    Ofc abuse is VERY wrong.. But thats the way it really is..

  2. Vegans eat lower on the food chain, like they won't eat dairy, or even honey if it disturbs the bees.

  3. Vegans are a type of vegetarian.  They are more strict.  Anything that comes from an animal they won't eat, including eggs, honey, and sometimes milk.  A vegetarian is a more lose term.  Vegetarians can be people who don't eat red meats or chicken but eat fish.  They can also be people who don't eat fish either.

  4. Vegetarians avoid all foods made from dead animals, including sea animals.  They can choose to eat foods made from live animals, such as milk, cheese, eggs.

    Vegans avoid all foods made with any animal products, even honey from bees, foods processed using animal by-products (such as bone or shell filters), etc.

  5. Vegetarians :- Don't eat animals

    Vegans :- Don't eat animals, neither anything derived from animals. They condemn exploiting of animals too. Few other important agenda include world issue, hunger, starvation, pollution, cruelty, so on

  6. We dont eat anything that comes from an animal

    Than includes food such as

    Dairy, eggs, honey, geletin, or anything else that is animal related like broth flavors and things of that sort.

    I believe being vegetarian was healthier than eating meat for me and then I decided being vegan was healthier for me than being vegetarian so i'd say for myself being vegan is most healthy!

    I believe so because i'm getting all my nutritien but I don't have meat causing high cholestrol, high blood pressure, or obesity!

  7. vegans dont eat any meat or anything that has to do with animals. vegetarians usually still eat fish!

  8. Hi there.

    Vegetarian - Eats no meat (Red meat, poultry or fish)

    Vegan - Eats no meat, dairy, eggs or anything that comes from an animal. They also don't wear any animals such as leather or fur.

    Both are healthy diets but the vegan diet, providing the diet is a balanced one,  has been proven to lower chances of cancer, blood disease, cholestrol and osteoporosis.

    I am vegan, and as long as you replace your intake of iron, calcium and vitiman d with a rich source of that vitiman from a plant-based product then you're home and dry.

  9. Vegitarians: dont eat meat or sometimes fish

    Vegans: dont eat meat and fish or any animal products

    to me vegetarians are healthier because they get protein from fish but then vegans get their protein from tofu i think sooo i guess that they are the same but being a vegan is harder

  10. vegetarians dont eat any meat although some eat fish and eggs (this is called pesca-ovo) but they do eat dairy.

    vegans dont eat anything that comes from animals.

    depending on the individual they may or may not buy anything made from animals (leather, fur, etc) or products tested on animals (crest, proctor & gamble, etc) but they generally dont.

    either one can be healthy depending on what you choose to eat. you will lose more weight by going vegan, but going vegetarian is considered by many to be more healthy.

    when going vegan or vegetarian you have to make sure you get enough protein, iron and b12 (gotten mostly by red meat)

    i would suggest going vegan, unless when your vegetarian you eat healthy non-vegan foods, like egg whites, etc

    good luck!

  11. The difference is that vegans will not eat anything that comes from animals.Vegans and vegetarians tend to live longer and wayyyyyy heathyer lives than meat eaters.Plus vegans and vegetarians save OVER 100 animals a year.

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