
What's the difference between a Keyboard and a piano?

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I know this is probably pretty basic but is there a difference between a piano and a keyboard? If there is can you briefly tell me the differences? Also if there is a difference can you buy a keyboard that's very similar to a piano?




  1. 1.  The piano has a soul, the keyboard does not.  

    2.  Piano technique and keyboard technique are completely different.  Due to the resistance of the keys, piano technique requires far more measured action of arm and wrist weight.  Keyboard technique relies far more on the fingers themselves.

    3.  Pianos must be tuned.  Keyboards are always in tune.

    4.  Pianos retain their value.  Keyboards rapidly become obsolete.

    5.  People who learn on the piano, generally do well transitioning to the keyboard.  The opposite does not neccesarily hold true.

    6.  Pianos don't have headphone jacks.

    Both have advantages and disadvantages.  Usually piano dealers will try to push digital pianos on you because they make a much higher commission and profit.  The markup on a digital is much more than on an acoustic, and they are easier to move.  They also become obsolete after several years, unlike acoustic pianos, which can last for over a hundred years.  

  2. With a keyboard, your fingers create an electrical-electronic circuit.  With a piano, your fingers are a mechanical force that drives a series of levers that end with hammers striking the strings. There are no strings in a keyboard.  The action is altogether heavier and more demanding.  Yet, as with most things, the more effort you put in, the better results you get out. Piano recitals such as those of Rubinstein, recorded decades ago, will be played long after the best keyboardist is dead and forgotten.

    I have a Roland. It is only one octave short of a full piano keyboard. You can learn music and fingering on it, and it is of course lighter and less spacious than a piano.  But when I sit down at a piano I feel like a ping-pong player at Wimbledon.  Useless!

  3. I believe a keyboard is electrified a piano of course is not

  4. In the music world the term keyboard specifically refers to an electronic keyboard such as a synthesizer.

    The big differences are:


    key size


    editing capacity


    NO TUNING :)

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