
What's the difference between a Vegetarian and a Vegan?

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Didn't know there was one.




  1. Vegetarians don't eat anything from a dead animal.  Vegans don't eat anything from an animal, period, dead or alive.

    Vegetarians don't eat meat or slaughter by-products, like lard, tallow, meat broths, gelatin, rennet, or anything else that comes from a dead animal.

    Vegans don't eat the same things vegetarians avoid, but in addition, they don't eat dairy products, eggs or honey.

    Vegetarianism *can* be just a dietary choice (though many vegetarians extend their choice beyond diet.)  Veganism, by it's definition, implies a moral concern for animals and it always extends beyond diet.  Vegans don't eat, use, wear or otherwise consume anything from animals whatsoever (to the extent that that's possible.)  We don't wear leather, suede, wool, silk, down, fur, feathers or pearls; we don't buy toiletries, makeup or other consumer products that are made with animal ingredients or are tested on animals; and we don't support industries that exploit animals for entertainment, like circuses or rodeos.

  2. A vegan is some1 who doesn't have milk or anything that comes from an animal and a vegetarian doesn't eat meat or fish.

  3. Avegan does not eat any animal products or byproducts such as cheese, milk, eggs, etc. A vegitarian does not eat meat, poultry or fish but does eat milk eggs cheese,etc.

  4. A vegan does not have any animal products no cheese, milk, eggs, honey ect.

    Vegetarians usually have eggs and dairy but some don't have eggs.

  5. A vegan will not eat eggs/milk products aswell as meat/fish and refrain from using wool/silk and usually will not use products that involve animal testing, i.e cosmetics/household products,although some vegetarians will adhere to this aswell.

    Vegetarianism is the practice of a diet that excludes all animal, including poultry, game, fish, shellfish or crustacea, and slaughter by-products[1] [2]. The reasons for choosing vegetarianism may be related to morality, religion, culture, ethics, aesthetics, environment, society, economy, politics, taste, or health.

    There are several variants of the diet, some of which also exclude eggs and/or some products produced from animal labor such as dairy products and honey. Veganism, for example, excludes all animal products from diet. By some strict definitions, animal products are not used for attire either, whether or not the production of clothing or items has directly involved the actual death of an animal (dairy, eggs, honey, wool, silk, down feathers, etc.). [3] A generic term for both vegetarianism and veganism, as well as for similar diets, is "plant-based diets".[4]

  6. A vegetarian doesn't eat meat, but usually has dairy prodcuts and or eggs. A vegan eats nothing form animals.

  7. Vegetarians are moderately healthy...

    Vegans are entirely unhealthy...

  8. Here you go. :)

    **Vegetarian Types Defined.

    - Lacto-ovo-vegetarian:

    A vegetarian who eats both dairy products and eggs. This is the common type of vegetarians.

    - Ovo vegetarian:

    A vegetarian who eats all egg products but no dairy.

    - Lacto vegetarian:

    A vegetarian who eats all dairy products but no eggs.

    - Vegan:

    A vegetarian who does not eat any animal products. Some vegans even do not use animal products such as wool, leather shoes, belt, & jacket, honey. Also called Pure Vegetarian or Strict Vegetarian.

    - Raw vegan:

    A raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). “Raw foodists” believe that foods cooked above this temperature have lost a significant amount of their nutritional value and are harmful to the body.

  9. you must not know there are diffrent types of vegetarians.

    heres the 411!


    Vegetarian is a blanket term used to describe a person

    who does not consume meat, poultry, fish, or seafood.

    This grouping includes vegans and the various sub-

    categories of vegetarian; however, it generally implies

    someone who has less dietary restrictions than a vegan.


    The term semi-vegetarian is usually used to describe

    someone who is not actually a vegetarian. Semi-vegetarian

    generally implies someone who only eats meat occasionally

    or doesn’t eat meat, but eats poultry and fish.


    Ovo-lacto vegetarians are vegetarians who do not consume

    meat, poultry, fish, and seafood, but do consume eggs and

    milk. This is the largest group of vegetarians.


    Ovo-vegetarian is a term used to describe someone who

    would be a vegan if they did not consume eggs.


    Lacto-vegetarian is a term used to describe someone

    who would be a vegan if they did not consume milk.


    Vegan is the strictest sub-category of vegetarians.

    Vegans do not consume any animal products or byproducts.

    Some even go as far as not consuming honey and yeast.

    They also DO NOT wear any clothing made from animal


    hope this helps;

    i hope you are a vegetarian;

    if not pleased do become one :)

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