
What's the difference between a donkey and burro?

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What's the difference between a donkey, burro and jackass? Aren't donkeys and jackasses the same thing, and burros just a little smaller version?

Thanks for any answers and have a great day!




  1. Burro is just the Spanish name for donkey.


  2. A burro is a Mexican donkey.

  3. Donkey, ***, Burro ... all the same animal, may be a different sub-species though...

    Whoever said a burro is the cross between a horse and a donkey is wrong...

    A Mule is a cross between a female horse and a male donkey

    A Hinny is a cross between a female donkey and a male horse

  4. Technically there is no difference. They are all the same animal.

    This is probably the best answer I've found online~

    The difference between a burro and mule

    Mule:: A domesticated, hybrid animal that results from crossing a mare (female horse) and a jack (male donkey).

    Donkey:: A domesticated ***. Which, of course, begs the question "What is an ***?" Thankfully, Mule Barn also provides a definition of this particular animal.

    ***:: A four-footed, hoofed mammal related to the horse, but smaller, with longer ears and a shorter mane, shorter hair on the tail, and a dark stripe along the back. So, it seems the aforementioned jackass is simply a male ***. The main difference between the jackass and the donkey is their domestication -- the *** is wild; the donkey is domesticated. But what about the burro? Turns out that the burro is a small donkey that is often used as a pack animal because it is particularly sure-footed.

    Source:: Mule Barn, the World Wide Gathering of Mules and Donkeys.

  5. The rear end of a burro or jackass, have never been elected as President.

  6. donkeys and jackasses are the same.

    burros or mules are cross bred between a donkey and horse, therefore, they are sterile  

  7. a jackass is the cross between a horse and a donkey

    they are called a mule

  8. Another name for a "donkey" is an "a ss"... they are the same thing.

    A male "donkey" or "a ss" is called a "jack".  Therefor a "jackass" is a male "donkey" (or "a ss")

    A burro is a small donkey.... it would be the same as calling a small horse a "pony"

  9. Burro is a coloquial term for a Spanish feral donkey  

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