
What's the difference between a mandatory evacuation and a voluntary evacuation?

by Guest33480  |  earlier

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Even if it's mandatory they still can't force you to leave. The National Weather Service issues a voluntary evacuation.




  1. Go! Better to be safe and not sorry.

  2. voluntary is your choice.... mandatory is still your choice but the police may come to your house and have you list next of kin...... so they know who to contact.....

  3. Mandatory is usually for Trailor Parks and people who live in low lying areas near the coast.If it was a really bad storm...the worst one imaginable..the would evacuate many more people.

  4. When they issue a voluntary evacuation it means that you can leave if you want to. If the evacuation is mandatory then the mayor of your city has issued it and everyone is supposed to leave. If you don't leave you are staying at your own risk. You have to realize that if it is mandatory the hospital staff will evacute, nursing homes will be evacuating, and alot of the emergency response teams also.  Most likely if they issue a mandatory evacuation IT IS SERIOUS. The storm is probably headed straight towards you. I wouldn't advise you to stay.

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