
What's the difference between a self-contained special education classroom and an inclusive classroom?

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How does mainstreaming differ from these two models?




  1. Good question.  With 32 years teaching exceptional students in New Jersey and now in Florida, I have to disagree with the individual who called the co-teach model as "fake inclusion."

    In the inclusion model, the special needs students are placed in the general education classroom.  The special needs teacher is there to fascilitate learning for those students, and to follow the accommodations stated in the IEP.  In an inclusion classroom which is working well, the children should not be able to tell the special needs teacher from the general education teacher.  Both of the teachers do the planning, assign the homework, do the assessments, meet with the parents, etc.

    In a self-contained classroom, on the other hand, all of the students are special needs students with one special needs teacher, and possibly an aide.  These children have their entire curriculum taught to them in this classroom.

    From my personal experience, inclusion is the way to go.  For several reasons:  1) the law states that children MUST be instructed in the least restrictive environment possible.  This is not an option.  It is the law.  2)special needs children included in a general education class will be more apt to model appropriate behavior and study skills, than children in a self-contained classroom, and 3)most all children, with the possible exception of severely mentally handicapped students, or students with severe multiple handicaps, can be accommodated in the general education classroom.  The State of Florida feels so strongly about this that our "Sunshine Standards" includes "access points" for exceptional students.

  2. A self-contained special education classroom is a class for special education students.  An "inclusive classroom" is a class where special education and general education students are integrated.  A special education teacher co-teaches with the mainstream teacher.  This is the fake inclusion class.  The real inclusion is when all special education students are in the regular classroom and special education services is given within the regular classroom.  Maria Montessori successfully implemented the real inclusion.  No one out there truly loved children as much as her.  Don't ever listen to those stupid people who criticize her.  Deep inside they are the ones who are jealous of her accomplishments.

    Mainstreaming is the same for the self-contained special education classroom and the "fake" inclusive classroom.  The self-contained special education classroom is ONLY the academic classes.  And then they are mainstreamed for the rest of the day.  At least the self-contained classroom, the special education students have the OPPORTUNITY to choose an elective.  The fake inclusive classroom has another special education class attached to it.  It's not fair because the students lose even more time with the general education.  Therefore, mainstreaming is bad for our children.  And the REAL inclusion is the best practice for our children.  Maria Montessori did it.  Why can't there be more good people like her?

  3. A self-contained class is similarly grouped students that share similar academic requirements. Often this is thought of students with disabilities however you can have a gifted self-contained classroom.

    Inclusion is about including students with all abilities in an academic or recreational classroom or activity. Inclusion is about diversity. Inclusion is about feeling like you belong.

    Mainstreaming and inclusion are often used interchangeably however they are different.Mainstreaming is about being in the same classroom or activity but not really being involved with the group.  Mainstreaming is like window shopping or being on the outside looking in.

    There are self-contained classes that will be included in activities that peers are participating in. Most often it is related arts (music, art, gym, history and science). Depending on the student if they have a skills in math or English may participate in these classes.

  4. Self-contained classes are one of the most restrictive environments for special ed kids. It is only when their needs are so great that they require an extensively modified curriculum that they will be placed in these classes. Typical self-contained classes include life skills (moderate mentally retarded), autism and emotional disturbed.

    Even more restricted environments are special schools. Hospital/Homebound services are the most restrictive environment because the child does not attend school. children with injuries, severe illnesses or severely dangerous behavior may be served in this program.

    Going the other direction, mainstreaming means that a child attends a self-contained class for most of his or her day, but goes out for certain academic classes in which they are more proficient. Some kids go out for math, social studies, reading or science.

    Inclusion means that the child is a member of a regular education class. Usually a special education teacher will either be in the classroom as a team teacher, or will go into the regular ed class to assist the inclusion kids.

    While it sounds ideal, it doesn't end up being too good because there are never enough special education staff members to truly support most included kids. Principals who are trying to save money often cut staff when they go for inclusion, but in actuality it takes more staff to deal with children scatterred in numerous classes.

  5. self contained- 1 teacher, several kids with different special ed issues.  This teacher teaches the whole curriculum.  Inclusion means that special ed kids take classes with their regular ed peers (with or without an aide)

    An inclusive classroom is a form of mainstreaming

  6. a vast number of spec ed students do not have extreme difficulty in some of the mainstrem courses . a special needs classroom is for these individuals were mainstrem and/or inclusive classroom work is to difficult and the children do suffer from guilt or a slight state of confusion . inclusive would be an example of a child born with a syndrome from one or both of the parents had or having substance abuse problems and when the worload increses they are at risk of having a severe temper tantrum. these would be classified as inclusive , in classes such as art , physical education , and being canadian french . the basic this is ridicolous class . special needs children in our community  are at 22% of the high schools population . we had a special needs child due to a very early birth . the educators at our school were and still are the best in canada . tried to bring this to the attention of dept. of education not a responce . amazing the job they are doing with very limited budget . our daughter recieved leaving school certificate in 1999 . most emotianal day of my life . noe the teachers have to deal with major crystal-meth addictions which is immpossible our population is arond 3500 people . a major t.v. network did a one hour special on the rate of addiction 2004. made national enquier , 6 weeks ago national news vigilante parents  hunt down drug dealers , again natiol enquier news . both stories were so out of touch with the facts . with the number of spec needs kids in our school and the well above average 12 years of school there is never any bullying about there conditions , and to see the results of our daughters grad class and there problems . we had the easiest job of parenting minimal sacrifices maximum gain . they are truly special of the grad class of ouyr daughters no drugs, no criminal records . the rest no post secondary grads maybe 12 working the rest drugs with criminal records . all special needs students are the most positive students on this planet , there teachers something else . no one should be ashamed orf special needs . thank you

  7. i should know this cause i'm in my fourth year (of five cause i have a minor i dont need) of being an education major, but here's a shot: ... i think an inclusive classroom has special ed students and 'regular' students, where the self-contained one would only have special-ed students? and then mainstreaming would be where the student starts out in the special ed class then get's "mainstreamed" or gradually brought into a reg. ed classroom... at first they might spend a day or two or a class or two at a school/classroom and then gradually spend more days there and classes in the regualr ed. classes or school until they go there full time, which also may not ever be fully accomplished.

  8. In inclusion, a student is included in a regular classroom, with some modifications or suppoert for a resource room. In self contained classrooms, the students are in a class of all special ed kids and a special ed teacher. They are not integrated with non-special ed kids.

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