
What's the difference between a typhoon, hurricane, cyclone, and a tornado?

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What's the difference between a typhoon, hurricane, cyclone, and a tornado?




  1. A typhoon is the same thing a a hurricane, just different parts of the world.  In the Western hemisphere we call it a hurricane.  Same thing with a tornado and a cyclone.

  2. Typhoon...  large tropical storm in the Pacific

    Hurricane -  large tropical storm in the Atlantic and Carribean

    Cyclone.  -   large tropical storm in the Indian Ocean area

    Tornado..  - smaller deadly vortex most usually seen on land

    waterspouts - tornado over water

    Mid Latitude Cyclone 30-60 degrees latitude - a very large area of low pressure.... not tropical usually

  3. The diffrence is the way the weather system roatates and how the storm is made. A hurricane and a cyclone all start over the ocean but spin diffrent ways. A tornado from what I know starts on land and can spin any way.

  4. A typhoon and hurricane are both cyclones.  They are just given different names for different areas in the world.  A tornado can spawn from cyclones, but is most common in severe weather that can happen just about anywhere.  For instance, every US State has reported tornadoes.

  5. wind speed, direction of spin, and where in the world you are

  6. a typhoon is a tropical storm harsher than most.

    a hurricane is like a gargantuine tornado.



  7. Simple the reason why they have differnt names because there in differnt oceans theres no differnce between them.Cyclones are in the indin ocean typoons are in the pasific and hurricanes are in the atlaintic names are just differnt no differnce trust me go to a cite about science im right.

  8. lots of letters

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