
What's the difference between a zoo keeper and a zoologist?

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1.) Whats the difference?

2.) What get payed more?

3.) Which one is more rewarding?

And what exactly do you have to do for both of them?




  1. 1) Some zoology graduates become zookeepers.... so you will sometimes find information about zookeepers when looking up zoology.

    Typical job titles for zoology graduates with a bachelors degree are:

    *Animal caretaker

    *Biology assistant

    *Computer specialist

    *Cytogenetic technician

    *Electron microscope technician

    *Energy analyst

    *Environmental educator

    *Laboratory technician

    *Maintenance technician

    *Museum collections manager

    *Parasitology specialist

    *Parks naturalist

    *Research technician

    *Sales representative

    *Veterinary technician


    Zookeeper- In zoos, animal care and service workers, called keepers, prepare the diets and clean the enclosures of animals, and sometimes assist in raising them when they are very young. They watch for any signs of illness or injury, monitor eating patterns or any changes in behavior, and record their observations. Keepers also may answer questions and ensure that the visiting public behaves responsibly toward the exhibited animals. Depending on the zoo, keepers may be assigned to work with a broad group of animals such as mammals, birds, or reptiles, or they may work with a limited collection of animals such as primates, large cats, or small mammals.

    Zoologists- Zoologists and wildlife biologists study animals and wildlife—their origin, behavior, diseases, and life processes. Some experiment with live animals in controlled or natural surroundings, while others dissect dead animals to study their structure. Zoologists and wildlife biologists also may collect and analyze biological data to determine the environmental effects of current and potential uses of land and water areas. Zoologists usually are identified by the animal group they study—ornithologists study birds, for example, mammalogists study mammals, herpetologists study reptiles, and ichthyologists study fish.

    2) Zoologist, but how much more depends on education, type of job, how much experience, and so on...


    Hourly Rate- $9.90 - $20.00

    An animal keeper's salary can range from minimum wage to more than $30,000 a year, depending on skills and tenure.


    Salary- $35,000 - $58,500

    You would expect to earn about $32,600 as a zoologist and an assistant would make about $26, 030.

    3) That really depends on an individual's interests.

    For me, being a zookeeper would be more rewarding. I love animals and would enjoy being in close contact with them. I would also enjoy educating the public on the animals, conservation, being a keeper, etc.


        *  a strong interest in looking after animals

        * confidence and patience when working with animals

        * good observational skills

        * awareness of health and safety

        * stamina and physical fitness

        * good 'people' skills for working with the public.


        *  an interest in animals and the environment

        * an aptitude for science, particularly biology and chemistry

        * the ability to conduct detailed work accurately and methodically

        * the ability to plan research, analyse and interpret data, and write reports

        * practical skills

        * problem solving skills

        * patience, perseverance and the ability to concentrate for long periods

        * the ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team

        * strong communication and IT skills.

  2. A zoo keeper feeds animals and cleans up after them.  A zoologist does many more things.  Throughout my career I have done everything from collecting bugs to publishing papers and giving presentations.

    Zoologist get paid more.  After all the have to go to college and most have advance degrees.  You need no college education to be a zoo keeper.

    Well this third question I get to show my bias.  Zoology is more rewarding, more challenging, more varied, more exciting.  Zoo keepers are nothing more than animal prison guards.

    What Does a Zoologist Do?


  3. 1) Zoo keeper or Animal Keeper is a person working at a zoo and takes care of the animals assigned to him.  You need animal knowledge but no college degree.  It's like being a jailer. Zoologist is a person with a college degree in one of the "animal" sciences.

    2) Zoologist gets paid far, far more.

    3) Zoologist is far, far more rewarding because you can have more of an effect on the world than as an Animal Keeper.

    4) Animal Keeper - learn as much as you can about animals.  Take as many animal courses in school as possible.  Zoologist must have a college degree, PHD is best.

    If  you can do it, being a Zoologist is much more rewarding and as such you can have a great effect on the wildlife of our world.

    I was an Animal Keeper for over 5 years, but got depressed over the captivety they were in.

  4. Between a zookeeper and zoologist, obviously both work with animals in some form, zoologist are more research based than zoo keepers though some keepers get involved with the research done at zoos.

    Zoologist get paid more but sometimes people will say the experience is worth far more than anything. I would say depends on who you are as to the rewards. Some people see it more rewarding to work and care for the animal in person, while others would rather be doing research and help to save/learn about animals.

    As for the no degree/education is needed for keepers that is changing around because now zoos are wanting their keepers to have at least a BS.

    Personally I want to be a keeper for that experience but not sure where else I might end up. I am currently gettin my BS and want to pursue my MS in Zoology.

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