
What's the difference between american soccer and rugby ??

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What's the difference between american soccer and rugby ??




  1. is like a cross between soccer and football

  2. In soccer we dont hug each other in a group.

  3. I'd disagree with Dan G in that there are very clear distinctions between the skills (and physical qualities) that are needed for different playing positions in rugby.

    Compare a prop with a winger and you'll see what I mean!

    Also most teams would do their technical/skills training as two units - forwards and backs.

  4. Okay what your asking is a historical question that dates back to 1885 when Walter Camp put in the following rules 11X11, 4 downs, 10 yards for a first down, scrimage line, a 100 yards long-53.5 wide playing Field that all made American football different then Rugby. In 1906 some guy decides to throw the ball forward (forward pass) never allowed in rugby.

    Rugby is 15X15 Here are the basics

    1869- Princeton and Rutgers played a rugby-soccer game (sort of like mob football) adopting the rules from the London Football Association. 25X25 you could move the ball with hands, feet,head and your body scoring a goal was worth one point each tallied as  a game. After 10 games who ever had the most tallies won. Ever since 1876 this game vanished.

      Positions are all different in Football you've Offense and the Defense plus Special Teams(kicking team) they specialize in what side they play. Rugby doesn't stop to change sides plus you are allowed only to substitute if somebody gets injured. (4 subs per side) If player is replaced they can't enter the game.  Otherwords you play both sides of the ball.

      Rugby doesn't have the Quarter Back who throws forward, runs, or hands the ball off. He's the guy that is trying to decide what plays to run to counter the defence. Coaches on the sidelines call in plays QB usually can use his best judgement. All football players must memorizre their play book, so they know the plays.

    Terminology Football-touch down worth 6 pts (end zone) extra point 1, or a conversion 2 (scoring in the end zione) Side on offence can also attempt a feild goal 3 pts. Feild Goal or extra point means kicking the ball through the goal posts H.

    Rugby- Try 5pts, after try to convert 2 pts, drop goal-  drop kicking the ball between H uprights over the bar is 3 pts.

    One thing is the same the team that scores the most points at the end wins. Each game has there own side on the pitch (field) that there trying to score and stop the other team from scoring.


      Finally I tried to be sporting on this question some people took it as an oppurtunity to bash Football calling it a game for wimps there just fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As foolish as the people who think Rugby is a game for Drunken beer guzzlers.

  5. As above, soccer is what most of the world calls football. Rugby (and American Football, what the rest of the world calls Gridiron) evolved from soccer. Rugby is closer to soccer than football as it is a continuous game, unlike football (each half is played for 40 minutes straight, you don't get the stop and start every few seconds like in football). The ball is oval, and originally the point was similar to soccer in that you got points for kicking the ball into a goal, only the goal was changed so that you had to kick the ball over a bar rather than in a net.

    Eventually they added points for placing the ball in the try zone (or end zone), which took some of the emphasis off of kicking in rugby. You can play the ball by picking it up and running with it, and others can help you move the ball forward by locking on to you and helping push you forward. This is a major difference from football in that you cannot be in front of the ball carrier blocking... this came later as football evolved in the 1920s.

    I personally see the flow of the game as similar to soccer, as is some of the strategy - to isolate the defense and overload a place on the field to move the ball towards the goal. Except... in rugby you can use pure power and drive the ball down the field through the other team.

    Soccer and rugby are also similar in that there isn't as much emphasis on specialty players - everyone on the field has to be able to do all the basic skills. (Kicking, running, passing, tackling.)

    Football has gone down the specialisation route to the point that each player has a separate set of skills that only apply in certain circumstances. All three games come from the same roots, but have evolved along very different lines.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Rugby is played by real men, those who are not afraid to get hurt because of the game. Since it is part of the game to get hurt. American Football, not soccer, is for those guys who are afraid to get hurt playing the real thing, rugby, and decided to use some protection and change the name of the original sport in order to hide their fear. In resume, rugby is played by men and American football is played by  P ussy.

  7. Soccer and Rugby don't even resemble the same sport. Soccer is football to the rest of the world, and Rugby is Australian rules football and is played with a rugby ball, which looks similiar to an American football. Whew, did ya get all that?

  8. American soccer? Is that the same as american football? Well if it is then the difference is this: American footballers wear a ridiculous amount of padding and protection while rugby players wear a minimal amount in the form of a jersey, football shorts, socks and rugby boots. American football allows ONE pass forward while in rugby ALL passing must go backwards to a receiving player. That's the basic differences. Rugby is NOT Australian rules football, that's a whole other game called AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL!!

    Oh, and American football is really only popular in America while Rugby has their own World Cup!

  9. thats a question not even worth answering.


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