
What's the difference between an Acoustic Guitar and an Acoustic Electric Guitar?

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(Any difference in tone?)




  1. The sound of an acoustic guitar is created by the vibrations of the strings "amplified" by the body of the guitar and the wood of the guitar.  Typically, there's a round sound hole just underneath the strings wher you strum or finger-pick them that serves to project the sound.  Some guitars use two "F" holes, instead of the one round one.

    An acoustic-electric guitar is all of the above with the addition of onboard electronics ( a pick up and associated circuitry, maybe a tuner or an equalizer) so that the guitar can be plugged into an amplifier  for a louder sound.  Once pluggged in, any number of sound effects devices can be applied to the signal to vary the sound.

    There is no difference between the two types as far as tuning or playing is concerned.  As an acoustic-electric can be played either plugged or unplugged, one could argue that it is the more versatile instrument.

  2. $100.

  3. an acoustic guitar can be played without an amplifier. an acoustic electric guitar can be played with an amplifier for more volume, or without one for a more natural sound.

  4. You can plug an Acoustic Electric into an amp to make it louder. =] It has a battery as well, but it plays like an acoustic guitar.

    An Acoustic Guitar you cannot plug into an amp. =)

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