
What's the difference between an adoption agency and a w***e house?

by  |  earlier

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* you get to choose between : blonde, brunette, latino, asian or black

* they both make money out of a woman's lap

* marketing friendly, but services usually suck

* is there a difference between trading in flesh and trading in flesh

* there are never refunds after services delivered

* P.I.M.P., doesn't that stand for: people into marketing parenthood?

So is there any difference, other than the age of consent?




  1. your are beyond help  

  2. One difference...

    A child is innocent victim..... a w***e is not.


    You are officially my hero.  I just thought you should know!!!

  4. No difference...

    One pays $$$$ for 'services' rendered.

    One is not fully informed of the 'consequences' AFTER 'services' are rendered.


  5. Yea people go to an adoption agency out of love and a whorehouse out of lust.  That's a heck of a difference.  Lame joke, btw.

  6. You are a very sick person.  I hope you never get put in a situation that makes you eat your words.  

  7. Oh for goodness sake, grow up. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Geeze.

  8. good point.  not much i'd say.

  9. a man goes into a w***e house. 9 months later she visits an adoption agency...

  10. Hmmm - both profit from the exploitation of humans - the difference is:

    - w***e houses are illegal in most states

    - adoption agencies are legal in all states

    ETA - Problem Child - your answer is at the same time the funniest and saddest that I have ever read.

  11. LMFAO! Ingenious...and so accurate. I love it!  

  12. oh man, there were some fantastic answers here. I'm not even going to try and top the wit.  

  13. What's the difference between an adoption agency and a w***e house?...... I'd never work at an adoption agency ;-P

    ETA-♥Heather Leigh♥ ,you do if you're a politician.

  14. Attitude.  

  15. That is great!  I have tears in my eyes from that one!  So very true.

  16. The difference is, you don't get a huge tax break when you visit the w***e house.

    LMAO...You are so right Lara!!

  17. hahahaha..........not!!

    Such shallowness never ceases to amaze me.....

  18. One indicator of maturity of a movement is when they can laugh about it.  This is hysterical!  Let me think for a while....ROFMAO!!!

  19. The difference between a w***e house and an adoption agency is very obviously the commodity that is bought and sold:  

    the CHILD...that forgotten third party...the defenseless, voiceless victim...

  20. i don't really know if I'm amused or offended! mmmm good question tho, although i bet some ppl are gonna be mighty offended and pis*ed off. im surprised ur question has lasted this long

  21. The "whores" have birth certificates and can consent to the process.


    ETA: theres only one state where its legal to have prostitutes, and adoption agencies are legalized all across the country! Also the whores get a percentage of the cut.

  22. Ahahahhaha!

    Funny question.  As an adoptee...i would answer...not much.

    I certainly feel like i got f-cked...and someone else took the profits.

  23. not funny

  24. This must be the BEST question I've seen in here for months.

    Thank you.

    And even funnier - it's mostly those that got the most wins from adoption (not all - but most) that have zero of humour about such things.

  25. Yes, there is a difference.

    Adopted kids can get screwed over but in a different way. They don't get it up the butt like them whores.

  26. Everyone will give me thumbs down but it is almost the same --really there is no difference besides you will be with an adopted child the rest of your life and a hooker will not.

  27. plus the government doesn't pay you for having a w*** pay

  28. LMAO, but at the same time understanding the serious concern here.

    Indeed, Neil.  Making money should not be a part of adoption.  Agencies, adoption attorneys and others who make their money by facilitating adoptions should be illegal, as they are in some countries.

  29. Gee, no difference, other than:

    1) You need to be at the age of consent to work in a whorehouse.  Whereas, to be forced (or believe that it is your own choice) to lay there while someone else takes your baby from you, you only need to be old enough to become pregnant.

    2)  One involves sexual exploitation while the other involves reproductive exploitation.  Both involve exploitation of a woman's sexual organs and their functions, often when a woman feels via financial coercion that she has no choice but to let it happen to her.  

    3)  One involves men much older than the woman who are in a greater degree of financial and social power and thus can obtain s*x from her.  The other involves (usually) a man and a woman who are in a greater degree of financial and social power that the mother and thus can obtain her baby from her.  


    That is SOOOO freaking AWESOME! but so sad at the same time...

  31. Niels you rock dude.  No there is no difference.  I love you my friend.  You have me rolling on the ground.

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