
What's the difference between an electrical engineer and contractor?

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I'm doing some research and I can't find any electrical engineers in the yellow pages, while there are pages of contractors. What exactly do they do? Do engineers work for the contractor companies? Any help or answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Engineers design systems, figuring out what the project will need in terms of demolition, components, equipment, services, and the like. Essentially, they create the drawings the describe the job and what it's supposed to look and how it's supposed to work when it's completed.

    Contractors used those drawings and put it into action. They demolish the existing infrastructure, order the components, assemble the equipment, and perform the services specified by the engineer through the drawings. They make sure that the job looks and operates the way it's supposed to.

    Essentially, engineers design the work, contractors do the work.

  2. Engineers design it, contractors instal it.

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