
What's the difference between artists and pot smoking hippies?

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What's the difference between artists and pot smoking hippies?




  1. Better question would be, 'What is your link between 'artists and hippies'?

    Does a hippy have to be an artist ~ to be a hippy?

    Does an artist have to be a hippy to be an artist?

    I've known dozens of artists in my life, and possibly just one OR two I think describe their selves as 'hippies'.


  2. artist well do art not all artist smoke

    hippies belive in peace no war and first started in the 1960

  3. artists actually produce something....although 90% of it is c**p, but 90% of everything is c**p

  4. Artists have vision and seek to identify and use their talent--often to make a statement.

    Hippies are just bums who smoke pot and have no regard for responsibility or social norms.

  5. Art can change the world. Hippies just think about it.

  6. the latter is against the law.

  7. THC baby!

  8. that is a major stereotype

  9. A bath

  10. nothing aren't all pot smokers artists? LOL

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