
What's the difference between attractive, cute, hot, etc.?

by  |  earlier

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A guy described me as "pretty attractive" to his friends. What does this mean? How does this differ from cute, hot, etc.?




  1. Those adjectives mean different things to different people. Also, some prefer one over the other. You'd have to ask him to define what he meant and go more in depth.

    But I must say the only thing that should matter is how you feel about your self. If you feel good about you, then don't let some one else's opinions of you change that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But the only one that should matter when comes to you, is your OWN opinion.  

  2. i think it means you're pretty but there are prettier

  3. well i am sure he means that he thinks you are pretty, or cute, or hot don't they all mean pretty much the same thing

  4. I am pretty sure that he means u r attractive... which means that u r normal looking... plz answer mine;...

  5. Hot is good looks plus s*x appeal. Cute is a more innocent and endearing type of beauty, like you want to snuggle with someone thats cute moreso than just wanting to see them naked. Attractive is good looks with a personality that is complimentary to your own, when you're attracted to someone its more than just a physical or visual appreciation. You like talking to and being around someone you feel attracted to

  6. you are somewhat attractive to him.


    Hot- Carmen Electra, i wanna s***w and that's it.

    Attractive-you are pleasant to look at.

  7. cute = pretty face but not much body

    hot = pretty face and average body

    s**y =  pretty face awesome body

    attractive = could be cute-s**y + great style and personality

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